[情報] 04/06 the daily horoscope
Someone may have relayed information to you recently that set you on a path toward doing something connected to what they shared with you. However, Gemini,you may have discovered after the fact that there was a lot of information missing or that what you heard was not as it appeared. That's okay. This could still be a good thing. Use your creativity to replace the elements that you don't think will work, and you will still have a valuable opportunity to pursue.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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[情報] 12/20 the daily horoscopeAsking for help does not mean you are helpless. Asking for advice does not mea n you are clueless. Asking for ideas does not mean you have no creativity of y our own. When someone seeks to balance out what they have with what they need, the results can be brilliant and can bring success. Don't feel bad about aski ng for whatever it is that you need right now, dear Gemini. It's a smart, savv1
[情報] 09/29 the daily horoscopeThe "right thing" to do about an opportunity that is becoming available should be based on what's right for you, not on what is right for someone else. Oppo rtunities are very individual and unique experiences. You have strengths that others do not have. You also have areas that you need to work on that others h ave surpassed. If someone is pushing you to take or turn down an opportunity,1
[情報] 02/27 the daily horoscopeIs the story of your life already written, dear Gemini? Is it written down in great detail somewhere in the mysterious Akashic records? If you believe this, then there really is no point in ever trying anything new, since what is mean t to be will be. While there certainly are elements in life that are planted a long your path, you do have the free will to make your own choices and to use- You may be doing what needs to be done at work or on an obligatory project, Ge mini. But just going through the motions on this won't do. You want to see thi s over, and you want to get through it as quickly as possible, but you may mis s out on an opportunity if you just breeze through it. Take some time to impar t your own style and imprint your signature in whatever way you can. Your uniq