[情報] 10/22 the daily horoscope
Even if your life seems monotonous, tedious, dull, and boring at the moment, you can expect things to take an upswing toward a more exciting period. You docrave adventure and movement, and you have been stuck for a while catching upon old business and handling intense matters that required a lot of your focus. Soon, though, you can set off on an adventure that is right up your alley and let yourself go. However, before that happens, make sure you cover all of your bases so that when that moment occurs, you can leave your cares behind fora while.
P S. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT留言評論
首PoSomeone seems to be trying to show you up, Gemini. For every accomplishment of yours that comes up, this person boasts about their own achievements. But it may not be about their ego, Gemini. It may be the opposite - it may be about t heir insecurity. They may feel that they don't measure up to you in some way, and it comes off as being overly competitive against you. Although it may be a3
首PoGood fortune is going to have a domino effect in your life very soon, dear Gem ini. Even though you may be struggling with a problem or with your finances ri ght now, the tide is changing. You need to know that the difficulties you are facing will either be handled, or they will disappear. Nothing that you are cu rrently grappling with will turn out as badly as you think it will. Therefore,
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/01某個你認識的人正在經歷一個巨大的轉變。你或許會訝異這個人變得多麼的不同,親愛的 阿牛。但你可能也會感到害怕,畢竟這麼大的變化肯定會帶來許多未知數。但即將到來的 變化都是好的,擁抱這些變化能夠促使一段令人興奮的冒險開始。那個正在經歷轉變的人 就是你。當你越享受這段旅程並期待成功,你的旅程就越愉快且圓滿。 ——5
[情報] 12/25 the daily horoscopeA new adventure awaits you, Gemini, and you can almost feel it in the air. Thi s is a magical time for you, and you should soon receive an invitation or an o ffer to do something you have always wanted to do. And more than that, there m ay be an exciting reward involved. You have an adventurous spirit, and you are not afraid to take on a challenge. But before you choose to move forward, be2
[情報] 01/23 the daily horoscopeWhen you count the minutes until an exciting event will unfold, those minutes can drag by. After a long time of waiting, you might even begin to fear that w hat you are anticipating will never happen. And even if you're wrong, that neg ative feeling can spoil your day and make you less appreciative of all the goo d things that are happening while you wait. If you are anticipating something2
[情報] 11/24 the daily horoscopeLife is too short not to... You go ahead and fill in the blank, Gemini. To be happy? To believe in yourself? To reach for your dreams? Whatever way you choo se to end that sentence, Gemini, is the right way. If you have been thinking a lot about something you want to do but have kept putting it off, you should s eize the moment as soon as you can. Life is short, relatively speaking, and it1
[情報] 09/04 the daily horoscopeTravel or adventure plans could be stymied today, Gemini. Although that may be the last thing you would want to hear, it is for the best. You love to keep m oving and exploring, and you are never happier than when you are out and about . When you discover that something you were looking forward to isn't going to happen - right now, at least - it may be a big disappointment. But things real1
[情報] 12/14 the daily horoscopeYou aren't afraid to throw caution to the wind. A good risk is exciting to you rather than frightening, Gemini. Sometimes, in fact, you take on more than yo u should because you love an adventure and because you don't harbor fear and w orry in the way that many people do. But something you are considering now mig ht warrant a closer look. While it might seem thrilling in the moment, you hav1
[情報] 04/26 the daily horoscopeYou would rather be dealing with exciting new prospects than with the tying up of loose ends and old business. For a fast-moving sign like yours, Gemini, th e tedium of handling all those details can feel maddening. Even so, it must be done before you can move on to the stuff that you find exciting. Carve out so me time today to handle all that old stuff and try to find something positive1
[情報] 05/30 the daily horoscopePeople who remain in love year after year after year, and are still for a life time, find ways to keep making their relationship fresh and exciting. The same thing can be said for a career. If you love what you're doing, and there is a lways something new to discover, it will never get old. If you are feeling stu ck in some long-term commitment, whether it's your vocation or a relationship,1
[情報] 06/04 The daily horoscopeA life-changing moment doesn't always happen with a lot of fanfare. Sometimes the slightest shift in your circumstances can be a powerful thing. Some seemin gly small change in your life that is happening now or will happen soon can of fer you enormous potential in your career or one of your dream goals. It can c hange something small but pivotal - something that can open up a new door and1
[情報] 10/18 the daily horoscopeYou may be faced with working on something today that you consider to be dull and boring. That may be why you have put it off again and again. You have an e nergetic and curious nature, dear Gemini, and so any kind of tedious task like this makes you feel restless. You just want to escape. But you need to get so mething done, and you need to do it today. Find some way to punctuate those mo