[情報] 11/26 the daily horoscope
You may see someone you will soon have to work with or deal with as a conundrum. You are very different from each other in your opinions, the values you have, and your outlook on life in general. You may think that this will make it hard to work together - and it certainly could if you are focused only on yourdifferences, dear Gemini. However, try to see that this could actually be a very good pairing because of your differences. Your weaknesses may be balanced out by the other person's strengths, and vice versa. Sometimes being oppositescan be a good thing.
你也許認為這會讓合作變得困難 — 如果你只專注於彼此的差異,那就肯定會這樣,
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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首PoThere are certain big dreams and goals that you would like to accomplish "one day." And of course, Gemini, that one day always exists in the future. But lif e moves rapidly, and pretty soon there are so many days gone that could have b een used to further your goals and your dreams. There is one particular thing you wish to accomplish that you have been thinking about a lot lately. What ar4
首PoYour usual routine might be disrupted today, dear Gemini. That wouldn't ordina rily be of any concern to you since you are really great at being spontaneous and flexible. But right now, you may be operating under certain restrictions o r a tight deadline, and having to change your way of doing things could be som ewhat unsettling. Just try to recognize that you are capable of flying by the1
首PoYou did everything that you could think of to avoid the trouble or problem tha t you are now facing in a big venture, either at work or with your personal go als. Even so, you now have to deal with that exact issue, Gemini. Where did yo u go wrong? You didn't! What you are facing now may have occurred no matter wh at you did to avoid it. That means there is a lesson in there somewhere, or an1
首PoYou may soon have to present or promote an idea or an endeavor that you want o ther people to get involved in, sort of a team project. But you may be so conc erned that you have to get it right that you are striving for absolute perfect ion. You may come up with ideas and then reject them because they don't feel p erfect. But it is your passion for this project that will convince others of i
[情報] 02/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may view a certain person in your life as your opposite. And because of that perception, Moonchild, you may be reluctant to engage with this person in any significant way. But this individual may have come into your life for a reason if they keep popping up. It could be that this person complements your strengths and your aspirations in some way. Besides, if3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/25當兩個人對於他們都覺得很重要的事有非常兩極的意見時,要去看到對方值得參考的見解是非常困難的,更何況要他們雙方去妥協呢?不過,在日常生活中卻常常發生這樣的情形。所以,如果現在這正在困擾著你,去把它解決是很好的,寶貝阿牛。你生活中的某人很可能極力反對著你所相信的某件事。你也許完全無法理解為何他們要這樣,但是試著與之和諧共處是很重要的。請不要鑽牛角尖在你們的差別上。如果你能成功地忽略那些差別,那麼你的眼前會是無憂無愁的一天。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jun 25 When two people have polar opposite opinions on something that they both see as important, it can be very difficult to see the merit in the other's point of view, and it may be even harder to compromise with them. This happens a lot in life, though, so it is a good thing to work on if that is a problem for you now, dear Taurus. Someone in your life may be directly oppositional to something you believe in. You may never understand where they are coming from, but getting along is of primary importance. Just don't dwell on your differences. A carefree day is ahead of you if you can successfully ignore that. --3
[情報] 08/18 the daily horoscopeA tedious assignment or obligation you keep putting off may come back to you f ront and center today. You could put it off yet again, dear Gemini, but that w ould not be wise. You may not realize it, but by not completing this, you are blocking something good from happening in your life. Your procrastination is d redging up negative energy and clogging the flow of auspicious energy that is2
[情報] 07/02/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你和你生活中一個新的人之間的差異將變成一件好事,儘管現在可能很沮喪。 如果你堅持下去,你應該會發現你們的差異是相互補充的,平衡了優勢和劣勢。 對自己和對方都要有耐心,放心吧,如果你努力把你們的關係看成是有可能變得和諧和富 有成效的關係,那就會變成這樣。 The differences you are experiencing between yourself and a newer person in yo2
[情報] 11/11 the daily horoscopeIf you start a fitness regimen with regular exercise, you can expect to experi ence some tiredness and sore muscles, especially in the beginning. That's just part of getting fit. It's not a bad thing. In fact, it is a reminder that you are doing something good for yourself, dear Gemini. You may be experiencing t rials and tribulations now with something you are striving to do. And while it1
[情報] 05/11 the daily horoscopeA rift you may be experiencing in a work or business relationship might actual ly be a good thing. Since you have to restrain yourself and provide a diplomat ic, professional outward appearance while you are roiling inside over someone' s unfairness or arrogance, you are striving to be patient and hopefully tolera nt. This will pay off if you can maintain it, dear Gemini. But through this ex1
[情報] 01/20 the daily horoscopeEveryone who is involved in a project you are also involved in may seem to be quite happy with the way things are going. Naturally, that's a good thing. How ever, part of the reason they are happy may be that you are doing the majority of the work, dear Gemini. You do have a higher energy than many people, but e ven you can eventually get worn out, especially when you have no one to rely o1
[情報] 01/30 the Daily horoscopeWhen you experience a large clash of opinions with someone in your life, it ca n be a tough thing to overcome. You have your own set of standards and beliefs , and they have theirs. When your two sets of values collide, though, it can b e a pretty challenging thing to get beyond. You have to remember that the othe r party has a past and experiences that led them to where they are. If you hav1
[情報] 06/04 the daily horoscopeYou may be having a hard time staying focused on a project you wanted to work on today, dear Gemini. Could it be that you are simply being distracted by mor e pressing issues, or is it the project itself that is boring you? If you have other priorities, deal with them. If not, then explore the reasons why you ca n't devote your full attention to the project you wish to complete. Maybe you1
[情報] 11/13 the daily horoscopeThere is a hobby or an interest that you have neglected for a while. Maybe you have not made the time for it. Maybe it has become a bit dull. Yet it was rea lly good for you because it got you to get out a bit in a carefree mindset rat her than focusing on work or other obligations or worries. You need more of th at kind of thing in your life, dear Gemini. If you find it difficult to get mo