[情報] 04/07 the daily horoscope
Although some people are more perceptive or intuitive than others, no human being has the ability to read another person's mind. They may speculate. They may assume. Or they may not even notice that there is a message someone wants to convey. If you have something important to say to someone now, Gemini, then communicate it clearly. Don't assume that people will be able to read between the lines, or that your behavior or demeanor will convey what you are thinking. Good communication is the foundation of good relationships.
謝謝N大長時間幫忙翻譯, 也請節哀, 陪.外婆走最後一程
辛苦了 祝外婆一路好走
謝謝翻譯 願外婆一切圓滿
謝謝長期翻譯 希望外婆一切圓滿
謝謝 祝圓滿
謝謝N大, 希望外婆一切圓滿
首PoYou have a right to receive certain information that has been kept away from y ou. That information can ensure that you will make the best plans for yourself related to a business venture or some other matter connected to money. Withou t having those missing pieces, you won't be able to make anything but an educa ted guess, and that is not fair, dear Gemini. If you can't get what you need f3
首PoTo someone who is observing your thought process - someone who doesn't underst and you all that well - it might look like you are scattered in your thinking. But you happen to be capable of operating on many wavelengths and on many ide as all at once, Gemini. To others, that's a dizzying way to go. But to you, it seems natural. So, if someone expresses a lack of faith in your process, just1
首PoWhen an orchestral composition is played and it reaches its crescendo, it's as if everything that has been building has finally burst through in a beautiful explosion of sound and passion. It can be a lovely, extraordinarily immersive experience, dear Gemini. Something is building up to a crescendo in your life right now, and it involves a lot of passion. There are many emotions. That ma2
首PoYou may be feeling driven to achieve something, dear Gemini. Yet at the same t ime, your pursuit feels a bit empty and methodical. That may be because your e go and your heart are in conflict about this. You want what you want, but your reasons for wanting it might not be the best. Take some time today to explore that. Before you go any further, you have to make sure that you are on this p
[情報] 08/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf you wanted to get across something you were thinking and feeling, you would not attempt to convey it to them telepathically and expect that they would get it. Yet, you may be expecting someone in your world to understand something that you are now thinking and feeling simply because you think they should know you well enough to understand. But not all2
[情報] 02/08 the daily horoscopeYou may be hoping for validation for a choice you made recently, dear Gemini. And because you are craving that reinforcement, you might be turning to the wr ong people if the right ones aren't available. But the feedback you receive wi ll only be as good as the people you seek it from. Keep that in mind today. Al so consider that you are an expert on this in your own right, and you don't re2
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be seeking advice or feedback now on something you are working on or t hat you are about to start. You may be looking for people you feel are knowled geable and have some experience or expertise in a certain area. But don't just blindly assume that the responses that are provided are a fact - they may jus t be opinions, and unverified opinions at that. You should also consider, dear1
[情報] 02/29 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 29 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 29 A foggy environment for communication today may be casting a pall on your conv ersations and interactions today. You may be easily misunderstood, and likewis e, you may easily misunderstand others. That's why it is very important not to1
[情報] 07/27 the daily horoscopeYou are a very sociable, likable and an overall intriguing person, Gemini. Peo ple tend to gravitate to you for your friendly demeanor and your ability to re late to others at any level. Many of those people would probably describe you as a good friend. And while you may like these people and enjoy them, to you, they might be considered more like acquaintances. You don't divulge your deepe1
[情報] 06/20 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be telling you that something you want or want to accomplish is no t possible. While that may be a disappointing response from someone you sought hope from, Gemini, it is not your reality. If you have a big hope or dream, a nd it's one that may seem "out there" to some people, then you may have to be your own cheering gallery and your own source of inspiration. But you have a p1
[情報] 07/31 the daily horoscopeIf someone in your life seems irritated or frustrated with you, it may be beca use there is something you need to communicate. Perhaps you have tried - and y ou are typically very good at communication - but you may not be in your usual gregarious, communicative state of mind right now. That's okay. Think ahead a bout how to express what needs to be said, and make notes to clarify it all fo1
[情報] 02/16 the daily horoscopeA certain person's confident presentation and charming eloquence may be convin cing you - and perhaps other people - that they know exactly what they are doi ng. It may seem impossible that such a person would speak so loudly and with s uch gusto if they were wrong. But maybe they don't know they're wrong. And eve n if they're right, that doesn't mean there's not a better way to go. If you t- Someone in your world may deliver an important message to you today, Gemini. P ay attention. But beyond just listening to the words, notice that person's fac ial expressions, their body language, the emotion in their voice, and so on. Y ou may be dealing with someone who is matter-of-fact, and they may not convey how serious this is to them. But by picking up their vibe on a deeper level, y