[問卦] 老天有眼的英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 老天有眼的英文怎麼說?作者
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Winston13840 08/15 17:13Five floor likes ass fucked

bill403777 08/15 17:13old sky yu yen

gankgf 08/15 17:13old god have ass

nekoares 08/15 17:13Five floor love oral sex.

vestal 08/15 17:14Goblin is very happy

derrick1220 08/15 17:145F is a Gaylord

regen1005 08/15 17:14Anus

beontop 08/15 17:15Old sky has eyes

sellgd 08/15 17:15

xform 08/15 17:16Big God is watching you

laihom0808 08/15 17:17柯賤民 have asshole

thepower 08/15 17:19柯建銘 WATCH YOU

samn0822 08/15 17:21Dpp is god

number167167 08/15 17:21認真回 Gods have eyes.

crazydj 08/15 17:26fire in the hole

kaitokid1214 08/15 17:28DPPLikeshit

tonyian 08/15 17:32God bless

kyosukeakiba 08/15 17:42歐德屎蓋黑服愛死!

alex00089 08/15 17:44尬雞射濕