Re: [新聞] 藍白國會擴權法案影響大!金融時報:為中

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 藍白國會擴權法案影響大!金融時報:為中作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:16



結果他媽的是 編輯室 的評論

而且通篇錯誤連連 英國人根本被騙得亂七八糟


The possibility, for instance, of a government official being thrown into
prison for up to three years because lawmakers judge that he or she is in “
contempt of parliament” — an ill-defined charge — could open the door to
politically motivated witch hunts.



For its part, the DPP should desist from its instinct to accuse the KMT of
colluding with China. It should also stop describing the current crisis as a
life-or-death issue that only street demonstrations can stop. It is time to
dial down the emotion and put national interests first.

看懂沒民進黨 人家都說你別再煽動人民上街 叫你放下情緒 把國家利益放在第一位拉


William Shespir -

Does the illustrious FT Editorial Board actually know what Democracy means?

Is there some adult left over there to please check it out?


Ideologies separate us.

Dreams and anguish bring us together.

Eugene Ionesco


※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址
※ 編輯: IronCube ( 臺灣), 06/01/2024 00:06:19

whiteadam 06/01 00:07??

holyhelm 06/01 00:07信謠,傳謠,怎麼了?我外媒捏

horise 06/01 00:07

gekkou 06/01 00:10怎麼連英國媒體都在造謠 哪來三年

meatbear 06/01 00:20塔綠班比較讓人佩服的是 他們很積極接

meatbear 06/01 00:20觸外國媒體跟組織 然後對其產生影響

meatbear 06/01 00:21跟希特勒搞宣傳戰一樣厲害

meatbear 06/01 00:24像自由之家很明顯抓出有綠營在持續提供

meatbear 06/01 00:24“資料”

reallurker 06/01 00:26幫忙來一下全文

bigpan 06/01 00:35他們的受眾是不懂英文餵屎就吃 故意用騙的

stvn2567 06/01 00:49確實有些外媒只集中訪問在場外團體當中

stvn2567 06/01 00:49看似比較有組織性牌面的經民連 然而經

stvn2567 06/01 00:50民連在進入蔡英文執政時一整個沒靈壓了

stvn2567 06/01 00:50中嘉被三重幫和海派也惡搞也當作理所當

stvn2567 06/01 00:50

ggttoo 06/01 01:16外銷轉內宣的老招式

tomer 06/01 01:16你以為吳釗燮主要的工作是什麼w

agou 06/01 01:18就是亂翻+斷章取義+漏翻的意思

agou 06/01 01:19新聞標題來騙那些死忠

JieCheng1202 06/01 01:32編輯室=廣告=給錢就能刊登

Ultramarine 06/01 02:24出口轉內銷

bluetom7 06/01 04:17記住這些黨媒側翼,未來投票不要再被騙

bluetom7 06/01 04:17

sellgd 06/01 05:42五眼聯盟的媒體多數被買通了啊

sellgd 06/01 05:44不給評論留言的新聞就是心虛

Caroney 06/01 06:23XDDDDDD

zanthia99 06/01 09:49