Re: [新聞] 高端疫苗可對抗變異株 數據登CID期刊公

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 高端疫苗可對抗變異株 數據登CID期刊公作者
時間推噓 X 推:3 噓:4 →:15




A limitation of our study is that the sera were taken 4 weeks after the second shot of MVC-COV1901 when immunity has peaked and only just started to wane. Therefore, we could not evaluate the impact of waning immunity on the neutralizing capacity against the variants. The study cannot evaluate the role of T-cell responses elicited by the vaccine as it was reported that the T-cell responses to immunization may confer heterotypic coverage and are less affected by VoCs [31].

COVID-19 vaccines in phase 3 clinical trials in South Africa when the Beta var
iant became predominant showed considerably high protection against severe clinical endpoints, while overall efficacy is lower than at sites outside of South Africa [32].

Since there are no correlates of protection being published for emerging variants, it warrants further study on how the reduced neutralizing titers will translate to clinical endpoints. We are currently conducting a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 study for safety and immunogenicity of MVC-COV1901 with >3800 subjects (NCT04695652). The samples from the phase 2 trialwould allow us to further investigate the effects of variants on neutralizingtiters by using a larger set of samples and newer variants.


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fjfj13 11/07 20:50現在還在上班啊


※ 編輯: nicolaschen2 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2021 20:51:36

SoFanCy 11/07 20:51一樓還在上班?

CYL009 11/07 20:54跟之前2期期中報告一樣吧 打完14天後開始

CYL009 11/07 20:55以每周30%抗體濃度下降 嘻嘻 早說高端仔要

CYL009 11/07 20:55每個月補打惹 可憐哪

DOOT 11/07 20:58一個月上一個期刊,股東睏霸數錢

papaganono 11/07 21:14中和抗體和保護力正相關

ben745018 11/07 21:18T細胞要測什麼? 標準是什麼? 沒有就

ben745018 11/07 21:18是測igg跟中和抗體 bnt跟莫德納也是6

ben745018 11/07 21:18-8個月會到抗體的低點


※ 編輯: nicolaschen2 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2021 21:21:46

ben745018 11/07 21:30擴大二期台灣就沒數據

ben745018 11/07 21:34不過現在數據越來越多顯示的是高抗體

ben745018 11/07 21:34沒辦法維持很久 要看的是低抗體可以維

ben745018 11/07 21:34持時間多長 像az 嬌生都不錯

ben745018 11/07 21:37

圖 高端疫苗可對抗變異株 數據登CID期刊公

ben745018 11/07 21:48而且現在變異株的確看beta是指標 因為

ben745018 11/07 21:49他的免疫逃脫最嚴重 這在疫苗廠商之間

ben745018 11/07 21:49好像不是什麼秘密

pippen2002 11/07 22:17綠蛆:不要太不滿 世界不是只有大便女?

cal980 11/07 22:20免疫橋接

NEWSTAY 11/08 04:20喔 是喔 你家產疫苗喔 FDA認嗎?

NEWSTAY 11/08 04:21保護力都拿不出來 你在那邊免疫逃脫