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Vote White, Vote Right: The Controversy Surrounding Taiwan People’s Party
New Slogan
Vote White, Vote Right:台灣民眾黨的新口號的爭議

The Stirring of Contention
Political parties are often identified by specific colors, a practice that isprevalent in Taiwan. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), famously known for its
association with the color white, has recently sparked controversy with its
new slogan, “vote white, vote right,” displayed on its official website.
The catchphrase has drawn attention due to its similarity with white
nationalist slogans of the past and present.

International Repercussions and Interpretations
From an international perspective, the slogan’s language has been liken
that associated with white supremacy groups, including the notorious Ku Klux
Klan. Its uncanny resemblance to the slogan of a now-defunct U.S. white
supremacist party has not gone unnoticed. Critiques point out that such an
association could be perceived as “extremely controversial and problematic”
in many parts of the world, indicating a lack of sensitivity and
understanding of international affairs by the TPP.

從國際角度來看,這句口號的用語被譬喻為與白人至上主義團體相關,包括臭名昭著的三K黨(Ku Klux Klan)。它與美國一個已經解散的白人至上主義黨的口號驚人地相似,這並未被忽視。批評家指出,這樣的聯想在世界上許多地方都可能被視為「極具爭議性和問題」,顯示了TPP對國際事務缺乏敏感性和了解。

The Historical Context
Within the local context, the slogan raises historical concerns. Taiwan’s
past is marked by an era known as the ‘White Terror’ period. Given this
backdrop, the choice of white as the party’s chosen color has been
questioned. Critics argue that considering the historical implications, the
color white might not have been the most appropriate choice for representing
the party.

TPP’s Presidential Candidate: A Controversial Figure
The TPP’s presidential candidate, Ko Wen-je, is no stranger to controversy.
Known for his contentious remarks, Ko has previously made statements
considered sexist
and compared the potential unification of Taiwan with Chinato a terminal cancer patient. These controversies notwithstanding, Ko is
currently polling second in Taiwan’s presidential election, and the TPP is
ranked as the third most popular party in Taiwan, according to recent polls.

A Broader Political Landscape
With Taiwan’s presidential and legislative elections due in about six
months, it remains uncertain whether the two main parties will secure a
majority of seats. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which takesa hard line stance against Beijing, will field Vice President William Lai
Ching-te, right-hand man of the current President. The South Korean
entertainment agency behind a 16-year-old singer who triggered a fresh rift
between China and Taiwan by holding a Taiwan flag has said it did not force
her to apologize, further adding to the complexities of the political

The Path Ahead
As the dust settles on Taiwan’s local elections, focus shifts towards the
2024 presidential election. Following the poor performance of the Democratic
Progressive Party (DPP) in the November elections, President Tsai Ing-wen hasresigned from her post as party chair. Meanwhile, the Taiwan People’s Party
(TPP), founded in 2019, sits at a crossroads of uncertainty. Having risen to
prominence on the back of its founder and former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, the
party now faces the challenge of carving a distinct political identity.

In the end, the controversy surrounding the TPP’s slogan underlines the
importance of sensitivity and understanding in the global context. As Taiwan’s political landscape continues to evolve, the actions and statements of its
political parties will undoubtedly continue to be scrutinized both locally
and internationally.




※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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※ 編輯: sariel0322 ( 臺灣), 07/31/2023 04:03:55

beebaa 07/31 04:05柯粉快上 我爆米花買好準備看戲了

backpacker18 07/31 04:07BNN是啥小

piliamdamd 07/31 04:07館長丁特我懷疑他們看的懂嗎

metro721 07/31 04:07柯粉感謝原po 衝啊

agong 07/31 04:08Kowtow knee keep

cwt0115 07/31 04:09柯粉:香蕉新聞網

yling5518 07/31 04:14柯P什麼時候變色?

yling5518 07/31 04:15改黑色也許更能代表,也能平息美國阿

yling5518 07/31 04:15爸怒火

rayven 07/31 04:23蚵糞出征 寸草不生

urgrandpa 07/31 04:27還沒報導到tag川普的事,算有留情面了

CHENXOX 07/31 04:36惡名昭彰x臭名昭彰 最新聯合力作

aragorn747 07/31 04:50笑死 連國外記者都知道柯糞教是要走被

aragorn747 07/31 04:50統一路線

※ 編輯: sariel0322 ( 臺灣), 07/31/2023 04:51:12

aragorn747 07/31 04:51可惜我國智障破腦族真的太多 明年有

aragorn747 07/31 04:51高機率會走上特區路線

chong17 07/31 04:52最後搞得台灣人被美國人討厭,柯文哲頂呱

chong17 07/31 04:52

chong17 07/31 04:53普遍美國人很討厭3K黨

demitri 07/31 05:16就沒國際觀 不過統派也是種右派吧

markhbad54 07/31 05:21不知道3k黨就沒國際觀?

papagenoyi 07/31 05:23回樓上,對

papagenoyi 07/31 05:23不知道3K黨當然就是沒國際觀

urgrandpa 07/31 05:26樓上,應該不是不知道喔,是白目到明

urgrandpa 07/31 05:26知道還要用,哪那麼巧剛好一模一樣

urgrandpa 07/31 05:27光vote white就算了,後面vote right

urgrandpa 07/31 05:27都加上就不能說是單純巧合吧

scsajk01 07/31 05:31這種人在台灣有20%以上支持度....

topic21000 07/31 05:39哥布林又來了,出口轉內銷泥?

chx64 07/31 05:39是幾歲小朋友連3K黨都不知道?

topic21000 07/31 05:39某些蟑螂又來火力展示了,連推

chx64 07/31 05:41如果是vote white be right 可能還不會有事

chx64 07/31 05:42偏偏就是那麼剛好vote white vote right?

snake2017 07/31 05:44

圖 國外記者寫文章批評民眾黨了

whitehumor 07/31 06:05老哥~你們都不睡覺的嗎QQ

whitehumor 07/31 06:05怎麼可以戰這個戰整晚啊?

ncc5566 07/31 06:14一條龍又來 沒投票權的毛一堆

qpeter 07/31 06:24這下聲量真的UP UP了 讓全世界都認識TMD吧

camp0102 07/31 06:35整黨上下跟支持者就草包

d8917936 07/31 06:48又搞 哥步林好了沒

Szss 07/31 07:063Kp贏麻

pslr1 07/31 07:10柯糞不懂這些的 黨職也是 毫無敏感度 沒見

pslr1 07/31 07:10過外交世面

kixer2005 07/31 07:11哈哈笑死人了 民眾黨就他媽草包黨

pslr1 07/31 07:11你們各位都是wingman

bruce2248 07/31 07:14柯布林:國外塔綠班側翼也太多

fragmentwing 07/31 07:20啊柯黨現在就反民進黨 228他們也只

fragmentwing 07/31 07:20是當蹭票工具 哪會真的重視白色恐怖

kixer2005 07/31 07:213K黨都不知道 真他媽從頭到粉都草包

bluezero000 07/31 07:24BNN是給小小兵看的新聞網嗎

Reichenau 07/31 07:25

matheyb 07/31 07:29柯就是dishonest liar

matheyb 07/31 07:29柯就是到處歧視別人的垃圾

matheyb 07/31 07:29柯糞就是太監人渣狗畜生

foolfighter 07/31 07:30人渣黨

saimeitetsu 07/31 07:31目前在野黨就是為了分官位不擇手段

bryan99999 07/31 07:33柯布林:這什麼境外綠營側翼 我們才

bryan99999 07/31 07:33不會改口號!

bevis989 07/31 07:34原來是美國要選舉呀

bevis989 07/31 07:34側翼真的當乾兒子了

bevis989 07/31 07:34打戰別忘記叫爸爸歐

x1134b 07/31 07:43紅啦,拜託不要改

polong1 07/31 07:47到現在還支持柯文哲的人腦子有洞

mazinger 07/31 07:52CNN的哥哥BNN?

PunkGrass 07/31 07:53柯粉們 該出征了吧!

Caroney 07/31 08:13廢話 把這個標語當成爭議挑出來幹的是誰

Caroney 07/31 08:13?民進黨狗嘛

Caroney 07/31 08:13阿我就問在民進黨的操作邏輯裡,柯文哲

Caroney 07/31 08:13的哪一個言行不是「引起爭議」

bacteria2014 07/31 08:14只要會寫英文就外國記者喔?丟臉

Caroney 07/31 08:15另外鄉民平常把台灣記者當狗罵,外國隨

Caroney 07/31 08:15便一個記者寫篇文又高潮?外國月亮比較

Caroney 07/31 08:15圓齁

tomoko17 07/31 08:20高學歷柯糞快用英文出征他 繼續戰!

AhirunoSora 07/31 08:25歧視黨跟3k很合

Devilarea 07/31 08:45柯粉繼續罵 加油XD

lemon81824 07/31 08:45白色在別的國家代表什麼意義到底乾我

lemon81824 07/31 08:45國屁事啊? 所以623是3K要下架中天?

trevor5566 07/31 08:45Shameless fuckers KP party

Pegasus170 07/31 09:28加拿大人很多在看BNN…

Pegasus170 07/31 09:29我同事還會經常傳BNN的財經新聞

hygen 07/31 09:29笑死,就說美國人根本不關心台灣選舉,找個

hygen 07/31 09:29自己人寫篇英文文章,然後就出口轉內銷?以

hygen 07/31 09:29為外國人很在乎?別笑死人了

Migual 07/31 09:49又是哪個寫手?

gotrend 07/31 10:03

圖 國外記者寫文章批評民眾黨了

gotrend 07/31 10:032022才創立 哈哈哈

gotrend 07/31 10:04

lpoijk 07/31 10:08柯文哲身邊都黑道跟低能兒 怎麼可能懂

allenz78 07/31 10:57柯粉要出征了,八卦版都說一條龍綠媒

spirolin 07/31 11:06好了,柯糞可以出征這家媒體了

GhostSpace 07/31 11:07產業鏈每兩年都可以賺飽飽

liocorno 07/31 12:35BBC+CNN = BNN