Re: [問題] 紅軍的人肉排雷戰法

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朱可夫說叫步兵直接無視地雷的來源大概是艾森豪的回憶錄Crusade In Europe 467頁:

“Highly illuminating to me was his description of the Russian method of
attacking through mine fields. The German mine fields, covered by defensive
fire, were tactical obstacles that caused us [the western Allies] many
casualties and delays. It was always a laborious business to break through
them, even though our technicians invented every conceivable mechanical
appliance to destroy mines safely. Marshal Zhukov gave me a matter-of-fact
statement of his practice, which was, roughly, ‘There are two kinds of
mines; one is the personnel mine and the other is the vehicular mine. When wecome to a mine field our infantry attacks exactly as if it were not there.
The losses we get from personnel mines we consider only equal to those we
would have gotten from machine guns and artillery if the Germans had chosen
to defend that particular area with strong bodies of troops instead of with
mine fields. The attacking infantry does not set off the vehicular mines, so
after they have penetrated to the far side of the field they form a
bridgehead, after which the engineers come up and dig out the channels
through which our vehicles can go.’”


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fw190a09/22 13:27推這篇,突擊重點不是排雷,是讓工兵有安全環境作業

dustlike09/22 13:56被機槍射死或被地雷炸死 選一個

hgt09/22 14:01朱可夫把人命當數字玩

hgt09/22 14:04有學到史達林的思維

higger09/22 14:21也可能朱可夫說大話嘛...

wistful9609/22 15:15有聽過,真是人命不值錢的世界(大陸好像也是)

cht123409/22 15:32戰爭真是悲哀

gundamwind09/22 17:49對當時而言人命就真的只是數字

aaagun09/22 18:05紅軍本來就是搞效率優先,人命次之

jetzake09/22 19:14之前不是有討論坦克裝甲的一張圖 大概跟那個概念差不多

jetzake09/22 19:16為了防範單兵反甲武器的近距離襲擊 坦克要追加裝甲

jetzake09/22 19:17德國人老老實實的搞側裙和防磁裝甲之類

jetzake09/22 19:17美國人弄一些置物箱 把雜物堆上去做緩衝

jetzake09/22 19:18俄國人就是讓步兵直接坐上去 反正無產階級士兵不值錢

gasbomb09/22 19:27蘇聯讓士兵掛著戰車上不是真的要當外掛裝甲用 ==

jetzake09/22 19:28 找到圖了

圖 紅軍的人肉排雷戰法

goodgodgd09/22 19:39外掛步兵不是要當裝甲,是卡車和運兵車不足,只好坐在

goodgodgd09/22 19:39坦克上

mattc123456c09/22 19:41實際上絕對不只蘇聯那樣乘坐,坦克速度終究讓步兵上

mattc123456c09/22 19:41車乘坐吧

jetzake09/22 19:45認真說 戰車伴隨步兵是標準戰術沒錯啦...

jetzake09/22 19:46只是那個大多是步行或是坐在旁邊的輕裝甲車上面

jetzake09/22 19:46直接坐在坦克上面的確是蘇聯才這樣搞

jetzake09/22 19:48被拿來當梗玩那也沒什麼好講的 真的就這麼回事

AlisaRein09/22 21:18那法國的做法呢?

lolitass09/22 22:11步兵直接座在戰車上是二戰普遍的作法 要接敵才跳下來

lolitass09/22 22:12加減省步兵體力 蘇軍還有特別加把手給步兵扶

gsx5684009/22 22:13步兵搭坦克在車子不夠的國家是很正常的,有行軍過就知道

gsx5684009/22 22:13,有車子可搭就算是坦克也沒差,智障才會想用腳走

birdy59009/22 22:35二戰很常見一堆美軍掛在雪曼上 但就真的只是搭便車

BITMajo09/22 23:19台灣的坦克載人會累,要按摩,比較不方便

defenser09/22 23:44蘇聯戰車掛步兵其實是人型感應砲的前身(X)

leptoneta09/22 23:55國軍教範記載有需要的話也能一台車載一個班

requiem09/23 00:21坦克載兵大家都會

requiem09/23 00:21k_desant

g3sg109/25 12:15坦克載人是大家都有啦 只是一般都是當計程車 碰到敵火就趕

g3sg109/25 12:16快跳下車接戰

zeumax10/02 08:55人肉防護沒有比較好,做為計程車用途是比較合理的

zeumax10/02 08:55人肉防護屬於酸蘇聯笑話