Re: [急了] 日本翻譯協會對AI翻譯漫畫發表聲明
The Japan Association of Translators wishes to express its strong reservations regarding the public and private sector initiative to use AI for high-volumetranslation and export of manga.
The Japan Association of Translators (JAT) expresses serious concerns about
the government and private sector’s initiative to use AI for mass translation and overseas export of manga.
First, in its current form, AI translation has yet to demonstrate the level of quality required to adequately portray nuance, cultural background, or
character traits, which are critical to a work of fiction. Using machines to
churn out mass quantities of translated works in a short amount of time (
according to official announcements, 50,000 works in 5 years, with the
shortest turnaround being 2 days per work) risks greatly diminishing the value of the work itself.
Firstly, the quality of AI translations at this point in time is not
sufficient to fully reflect the nuances of the work, cultural background, andcharacteristics of the characters. Nevertheless, mechanically translating a
large number of works in a short period of time (according to official
announcements, 50,000 pieces in 5 years, at the shortest 2 days per piece)
could significantly undermine the value of the work.
Moreover, excessive reliance on AI risks putting professional manga
translators, who have supported the industry for years, out of work and turnsvaluable human resources into throw-away commodities. We are deeply concernedabout the negligent disregard for so much accumulated experience and skill for the sake of cost reduction.
Secondly, excessive dependence on AI could not only rob the employment of
those who have supported manga translation for many years in the near future,but also lead to the disposable use of human resources under the pretext of
cost reduction. We are deeply concerned about the situation where the skills
and experience of experts are disregarded.
This is to say nothing of the risk posed by releasing hastily produced, low-
quality translations into the market. Poor translations undermine consumer
trust, opening the window for pirated versions to flourish. Given that manga
is an important facet of Japanese culture and one of the many ways that people are first introduced to Japan, it is all the more important that the words we use to convey these stories are not undervalued.
Thirdly, if low-quality translations circulate due to hasty translations, it
could encourage the spread of pirated versions. Low-quality translations
undermine trust in the regular version and may instead produce many pirated
versions.Manga is an important part of Japanese culture and plays a significant role in
helping people overseas understand Japan. Therefore, we should not
underestimate the translation that conveys its “words”.
Based on our experience and subject-matter expertise, it is the opinion of
this organization that AI translation is extremely unsuitable for translatinghigh-context, story-centric writing, such as novels, scripts, and manga. Quick and easy AI translation not only risks hurting the translation industry or
the manga industry, it is not in the country's best interests.
Our organization is deeply concerned that the public and private sector
initiative to use AI for high-volume translation and export of manga will
damage Japan’s soft power.
According to our knowledge and experience, AI is extremely unsuitable for
translating high-context texts such as novels, scripts, games, and manga,
where the story is the lifeline.
Easy reliance on AI translation will invite a situation that harms not only
the manga industry and translation industry but also Japan’s national
interests. We are concerned that the government and private sector’s
initiative to use AI for mass translation and overseas export of manga will
undermine Japan’s soft power.
The Japan Association of Translators holds that expert translation by
professional translators is essential to ensure that Japan's exceptional manga continue to reach and engage readers around the world.
We strongly propose that now is the time for careful and constructive dialogue between manga artists, businesses (publishers), the government, translators,translator organizations, readers, and all stakeholders, to consider the
appropriate use of AI and machine translation.
We, the Japan Association of Translators, believe that careful translation byexperts is essential to continue delivering Japanese manga from Japan to
Now, we strongly propose that careful and constructive discussions
be held when using AI translation or machine translation, including manga
artists, business operators (publishers), the government, translators,
translator groups, and readers of the work.
最後一段中文就不行了 看來英文也是一樣的理解度w
我直接看會覺得 是在使用AI機翻時舉行會議,並包含
習慣把AI與機翻拉到前面 團體擺後面
我的疑問就是including這樣用對嗎? 對的話就還好
including 擺那邊看起來很像是在說 AI翻譯 跟 "漫畫家、
政府 OOXXX" 是同樣的東西
追問是說這用法是對 但是因跟AI一起寫可能會造成混
淆 最好分明的寫法是像官方那樣分開
說要討論什麼? 原文也沒有"特別是",他們"就是"要討
用google Gemini 就很好了
我記得目前Copilot評分算比較差的那個啦 雖然核心是GPT
哦 kimo說的對 AI的when using 應該改成 for the u
sage of 會比較貼近原意
復活的GPT 4o對最後一段的翻譯 The Japan Association of Translators believes that careful translation by experts is indispensable for continuing to deliver Japanese manga overseas. We strongly recommend that careful and constructive discussions be held involving manga artists, businesses (publishers), the government, translators, translator organizations, and readers when using AI or machine translation. 團體那邊用法修正,但還是使用when using AI 提供官方版給他分析跟校對 它堅持自己的版本比較貼近原本日文用法,但官方用法更可以抓住言外之意
我一直在看那個careful translation到底對不對@@
首Po前情提要: #1cEGCWm6 (C_Chat) [] [情報] 小學館等10間公司 投資AI翻譯漫畫 日本翻譯協會對AI翻譯漫畫發表聲明 簡單來說就是批評AI品質太差4
日本不是有免費公開放上同步最新的漫畫 以後大家也不用看盜版 直接看正版叫AI翻就好 反正也是個7788大概懂這一話演什麼就好 這樣未來大家都不用看盜版也不用飛日本還能同步討論46
: 不過對於一般使用者來說,其實這還蠻有利的就是。 畢竟日常溝通只要大概懂對方意思就好。 這對平常生活是大利多就是了。 像是你想看一些國外的攻略影片,4
示? : : 關切。 : : 首先,目前AI的翻譯質量尚未達到充分反映作品的細微差別、文化背景和角色特徵的 水 : : 儘管如此,官方公告稱計劃在五年內翻譯五萬件作品,每件作品最短兩天完成,這種11
其實現在已經有這種東西 這是一個叫SakuraLLM開源語言模型, 使用日文及簡體譯文的輕小說文本進行訓練,據說翻譯效果好過GPT3.5 燒家用顯卡即可本機運行,不需要錢,翻一本輕小說也就十幾分鐘的事情
[閒聊] 角川夏野社長"考慮"向西方標準看齊“Japan is full of manga that are more extreme than Gravure. This and other factors prevent Japanese manga from being reviewed by Google and Apple. So, I feel that we need to redefine the standards of the Internet age and determine what is acceptable for the public and what is not. The publishing industry I’爆
[閒聊] r/Art mod:你畫的圖太像AI你自己要檢討這是發生在Reddit上最近討論很熱烈的一起事件 前情提要- 在AI繪圖興起後,Reddit有很多關於美術的討論板(subreddit)禁止使用AI創作 包含r/Dune、r/Illustration和r/DigitalArt都是, 其中最大的討論區塊之一是r/Art,約有2200萬使用者。23
[閒聊] Google新玩具-AI漫畫工具 Giga Manga冨樫的救星來啦(X 看英文報導是Google上星期發布的玩具,和日本經產省合作使用深度學習 只要畫出個大概輪廓AI就會幫你補完細節,甚至可以幫忙上色 我自己是畫伯就沒有去測試了,不知道有沒有辦法把AI教壞呢21
Re: [情報]祖克柏推出AI口譯 閩南語無文字也可翻譯已經可以在上面網站玩台英語音對譯了,需要等幾秒鐘。 效果很不錯,台語語音可以拿來玩。 模型用兩種不同技術(unitY和s2ut)做的,成果略有差異。 台譯英:hk-en (hokkien to english)11
Re: [閒聊] 美術系怎麼看待這次Ai繪圖事件?完全認同捏 每次遇到一些對譯者指指點點 整天嚷著「AI要把譯者飯碗都搶走了 譯者要失業囉」 (通常是長輩) 我第一句都會先問: 「請問您知道什麼叫做CAT嗎?」8
[閒聊] 村長用AI畫漫畫【抖抖村】我用AI生成了这篇漫画,然后手工重画了一遍|AI Manga vs. Human Manga! Comics Duel! Will Human Artist Survive AGI? 很有參考價值 我的感想? 很好笑6
[討論] Chrome/Chromium 翻譯錯誤想請教軟體板的鄉民 Google Chrome 瀏覽器存在一個翻譯錯誤,在列印的地方 英文 portrait 應該被翻譯為 "直向",但被翻譯成"肖像模式" (截圖 ) 後來學弟幫忙 trace code,看來是從 Chromium 某次 commit 後5
Re: [閒聊] 美術系怎麼看待這次Ai繪圖事件?你說的那些的專業翻譯,都是該領域的研究者/教授翻的, 如果找個翻譯研究所畢業的人,那個人也是翻不出來啦。 不然就是要那個翻譯所畢業的人,去花一、兩個禮拜學專業領域的內容。 但就算學了。也不會比該領域研究者翻的正確。 但這種程度AI也做的到,就花時間讓他多讀該專業領域內容就好。4
Re: [閒聊] AI翻譯484比機翻順?舉個之前剛玩chatGPT 讓它寫故事再翻譯的經驗 指令先用英文 讓它彷奈須蘑菇的風格寫一篇英文故事 之後我再下指令把它寫的故事翻譯成日文 結果日文生成的故事完全是新創作 和英文版完全沒半點翻譯關係 問它為什麼翻譯的內容跟原故事完全不一樣 下面是它回答- Dear Escapers! We are glad to present you the preliminary patchnotes for the upcoming 0.12.4 patch! Added: Interchange location has been reworked
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