[FF14] 6.0賢者指南翻譯(from The Balance)

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原文來自The Balance Discord群組,撰寫者為Aeya Statera





不過我在文章中會統一以 技能原名(漢堡話) 呈現





Sage FAQ 賢者FAQ

Upon opening this document, several chapters will appear in sequence. Please
set aside sufficient time to read all parts you want to in their entirety.


This document primarily serves as an extended FAQ, but can function as a
guide as well.




《Glossary 名詞解釋》

‧ oGCD/GCD/Weaving: Read this infographic made by Nethar.


‧ Druo/Ixo/Tauro/Kera: Shortened versions of the names of Sage's
Addersgall abilities.


‧ E.Diag/E.Prog/E.Dosis: Shortened versions of the names of Sage's
augmented Eukrasian spells.


‧ Sting/Gall: Shortened versions of Addersting/Addersgall.


‧ DoT/AoE: Universal game terminology for Damage over Time and Area of


‧ DPS gain/neutral/loss: Whether using something is a net increase, net
0 change, or net decrease in the Sage’s personal damage output.

DPS gain/neutral/loss:用某些招式會增加/不影響/減少賢者的個人輸出

‧ This FAQ is meant to help people increase both their healing
and dps output/efficiency, so you’ll see stuff revolving
around this often.

這篇FAQ旨在幫每個賢者同時提昇自己的補量和傷害的輸出與效率,你會 看到整篇都在圍繞這個主題打轉

《Basics 基礎》

[Sage 賢者]

‧ Sage is the new Healer job released with Endwalker, starting at lvl 70. You can unlock the job from the Sharlayan Maiden in the Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X=9.4, Y=12.9) south of the Aetheryte Plaza.

賢者是6.0新增的綠色DD,起始等級為70。你能在海都下層乙太之光廣場南方, 9.4/12.9的地方,NPC「薩雷安少女」處解鎖賢者。

‧ Read this so you know what the skills are and what they do:


‧ Make sure to pay attention to which ones are GCDs(spells) and which
ones are oGCDs(abilities) while reading it. Sage's strength and
specialty lies in oGCD mitigation and healing, so prioritize using
those abilities first whenever possible.

在看賢者的招式時,要注意哪些是GCD技,哪些是oGCD技(能力技)。賢者的強度 非常依賴能力技的減傷與治療,盡可能優先使用。

‧ Stats? Generically and while leveling, just prioritize: Crit > Direct
Hit/Determination > Spell Speed/Piety


‧ This is also your materia melding priority.

‧ Piety and SPS are often recommended in amounts that fit
whatever the player is comfortable with, so their place in the list is tenuous at best in terms of priority.


‧ Sage's GCD/DoT alignment gets thrown off by any usage of
Eukrasia, so just try to go for Crit/DH/Det/Pie first before
worrying about spell speed and GCD alignment.

賢者的GCD技/DoT安排受到Eukrasia(四液平衡)使用程度的影響,因此 先把爆擊/直擊/信念/信仰衝高,再去擔心詠唱速度和GCD安排。

[What does it do? 賢者要幹麻?]

‧ Sage is primarily a mitigation and HP maintenance healer that excels at preventing HP from dropping, rather than restoring HP quickly.

賢者是靠減傷和維持血線吃飯的補師,他能避免血線一路向下,但很難把血線快 速拔高。

‧ Sage is not designed for recovering from emergencies as well as it is
designed for preventing them, so thinking and acting proactively is a bonus.

賢者不是急診醫師,她的角色是避免其他人需要看急診,所以思緒和行動都需要 超前部署。

‧ Sage is rewarded for doing damage with Kardia healing your Kardion
target. Don't rely purely on spamming GCD heals, because every GCD heal you use is a lost Kardia proc.

賢者可以靠攻擊敵人替你的Kardia(心靈)目標回血,不要完全依賴狂唱GCD治療 ,你每唱一個GCD治療就是損失一個Kardia(心靈)輸出。

《Your Job Gauge 你的職業量表》

[Eukrasia 四液平衡]

‧ This is the fancy white/blue circular symbol on your job gauge.


‧ Eukrasia is an instant GCD with a fixed 1.0s recast. It turns Dosis,
Diagnosis, and Prognosis into instant GCDs with fixed 1.5s recasts, so the two combined make a fixed 2.50s GCD - it does not take
significantly longer to use than a normal GCD.

Eukrasia(四液平衡)是一個瞬發、1s復唱的GCD技,會把Dosis、Diagnosis、 Prognosis(劑藥、診斷、預防)轉成瞬發、1.5s復唱的GCD技,這個組合可看做 一個2.5s復唱的GCD技,跟一般的GCD技差不多。

‧ Eukrasia essentially both delays the application of your DoT by 1
second, and allows you to use GCD shielding with full mobility since
those spells are instant casts with a 1.0s delay on the actually-useful second part.

Eukrasia(四液平衡)能讓你以1秒為代價,保持機動性同時上DoT或上GCD盾,可 以把這些技能都看作延遲一秒後瞬發。

‧ You cannot weave between Eukrasia and any Eukrasian GCD without
clipping, and you can only single weave after any Eukrasian GCD -
double weave and you'll clip your GCD.

你一定得先按Eukrasia(四液平衡)才能接著放三招E技,而且一次只能強化一招 ,再按第二次就是普通的GCD技了。

‧ Because your GCD shielding has no hard-casted component, the number of spells you can use Swiftcast on is reduced, so you may find yourself
using it primarily on the unaugmented versions of Dosis/Diagnosis/
Prognosis or on Pneuma.

因為GCD盾幾乎等同瞬發,你不會拿即刻詠唱去配他們,基本上都是配沒強化過的 Dosis/Diagnosis/Prognosis,或者Pneuma(劑藥、診斷、預防、靈息)

[Addersgall 藍珠/膽汁]

‧ These are the three round blue dots and blue bar on your job gauge.


‧ Addersgall is a resource system similar to both SCH's Aetherflow and
WHM's Lilies. It can hold up to a maximum of 3 charges, and one charge regenerates every 20 seconds, for a total of 3/min.

藍珠跟學者的乙太流(譯註:沒練不清楚)、白魔的藍花很像,最多能累積三顆 ,20秒給一顆,一分鐘三顆。

‧ When you spawn into or reset an instance, you spawn with 3
stacks available, and Addersgall can even recharge while you're out of combat or dead.

藍珠不會因為傳送等動作而消失,而且就算非戰鬥狀態/躺地板時也會繼 續累積。

‧ Gall stacks can be spent on four abilities, all with the same suffix
"-chole": Druochole, Taurochole, Ixochole, and Kerachole. Using a Gall ability restores 700 MP, so try to use these (and Lucid Dreaming) often so that you don't run out of MP. You don't have to hold onto 3 stacks, just use it so it keeps recharging.

Taurochole、Ixochole和Kerachole(木膽汁、牛膽汁、黏膽汁、角膽汁)。每個 藍珠技都會回700魔,所以盡量常用這幾招(和醒夢)才不會把魔用光。你不需要 保持三顆藍珠,用就對了,這樣藍珠才會繼續累積。

‧ Druo and Tauro are single target, and Ixo and Kera are AoE.
Tauro and Kera also provide 10% mitigation, while Druo and Ixo only provide raw healing.

Duro(木膽汁)和Tauro(牛膽汁)是單體,Ixo(黏膽汁)和Kera(角 膽汁)是群體。Tauro(牛膽汁)和Kera(角膽汁)多10%減傷,Duro( 木膽汁)和Ixo(黏膽汁)只有回血。

‧ Galls may charge similarly to Lilies, but do not include a
Misery-type finisher. Addersting is a separate resource and

藍珠充能機制跟白魔藍花很像,但不像藍花開完改開紅花,賢者的紅珠 有自己的充能與使用機制。

[Addersting 紅珠/蛇毒針]

‧ These are the three small purple diamonds on your job gauge.


‧ Addersting charges are currently only gained from one source: The
shield granted by Eukrasian Diagnosis breaking from damage, similar to how The Blackest Night(TBN) functions. Addersting can also only be
spent on one spell, which is Toxikon 1 / 2 (it upgrades from 1 to 2).

目前只有一種方法取得紅珠:Eukrasian Diagnosis(E診斷)的盾被打破就給一 顆,跟(某個譯者沒練的職業的)機制很像。紅珠也只能用在一招上,就是
Toxikon 1 / 2(箭毒/浸箭毒)

‧ While TBN is fairly short, the E.Diag shield lasts for 30
seconds, which is more forgiving. However, Toxikon is a GCD.
It's potency is equal to Dosis from lvls 66-71, weaker than
Dosis from 71-82, and equal to Dosis at 82-90.

(某個譯者沒練的職業)很短,但E.Diag(E診斷)的盾長達30秒,容錯 空間更大。不過Toxikon(箭毒)是GCD技,跟同樣是GCD的Dosis(劑藥 )相比,在72-81等之間會比較弱,其他時間強度相等。

‧ Toxikon is not a DPS gain on a single target but is on multiple targets, and is only DPS neutral if you applied the E.Diag
shield during downtime with no targetable enemies.

Toxikon(箭毒)不會增加單體DPS,會增加AE DPS。而且如果你在沒敵 人的時候開E.Diag(E診斷),那也不會影響DPS。

[Scholar…? 學者…?](譯者沒練所以跳過,有興趣請自行參閱原文)

《How to use X thing? 如何使用這些招式?》

[Toxikon 箭毒]

‧ You get an Addersting stack once the E.Diag shield breaks from damage
ONLY - Pepsis, timer expiration, and clicking it off don't work.

E.Diag(E診斷)被打破時才能拿到一顆紅珠,Pepsis(沸液排異)轉換、盾持續 時間結束或手動點掉都不會拿到紅珠。

‧ You may have noticed Toxikon feels underwhelming, which is a common
complaint. It's not a DPS gain on a single target and it's not
necessary to farm as many stacks as you can.

你可能注意到Toxikon(箭毒)滿鳥的,這點的確受到很多抱怨。他不會增加你的 單體DPS,也沒什麼必要去盡可能累積紅珠。

‧ Toxikon is primarily a mobility and weaving tool, not a
damage tool. Yes, a lot of people think we should have more
ways to generate it, or it should be changed. Its design is
pretty limited as it stands, but still allows for fairly
creative use of the limited movement available.

Toxikon(箭毒)是用來保持機動性以及排軸的,而不是輸出用。沒錯, 許多人認為賢者應該要有更多方法去生/消耗紅珠,這個設計嚴重限制了 她的用途,但在需要機動性的場合上他仍然很好用。

‧ In dungeons, you'll probably get plenty of Sting stacks from just using E.Diag to shield the tank. It's a DPS gain on mob packs over Dyskrasia assuming you needed to use E.Diag for the healing anyways.

四人副本中,你只要一直給坦克上E.Diag(E診斷)就能滿手紅珠,在打小怪時他 提供的DPS會比Dyskrasia(四液失衡)還高。

‧ Toxikon does higher damage to a single target, but the extra
165 potency on the first target actually needs to be useful - no point if it dies before every other mob, so target the
highest HP mob in the pack with this.


‧ Toxikon is decent if you’re running with the tank ahead of the pack and aren't in range to Dyskrasia multiple targets, since Toxikon is a targeted AoE with range, rather than a self AoE
like Dyskrasia or restricted by a range limit like Phlegma.

Toxikon(箭毒)就會很有用,因為他是遠距指定型AE,不像Dyskrasia (四液失衡)以自身為中心,或像Phlegma(炎黏液質)那樣距離超短。

‧ In raids, the best time to farm Sting stacks for Toxikon is either
prepull or during downtime with no targetable enemies - set up the
shields beforehand so they'll break later. Trying to get Stings during uptime scenarios is a DPS loss.

八人副本中,農紅珠最好的時機是開王前的準備,或沒目標能打的時候-先把盾開 好,才能讓盾晚一點破。正常情況下想農紅珠都會讓自己的DPS降低。

[Taurochole/ Holos 牛膽汁/系統論]

‧ How come these two have both healing and mitigation on the same button? Which do I try to utilize?


‧ With Taurochole, the healing is worth more than the mitigation. If it
heals for 700 and provides 10% mit, then the target would need to take 7001 potency of dmg for the 10% mit to outweigh the 700 healing potency . Use the healing first.

Taurochole(牛膽汁)的補血價值比減傷高,換算下來目標要受到7001的傷害, 減傷價值才會比補血高。把這招優先用來補血。

‧ Holos is a weaker heal and has a longer duration on the
mitigation, so you can use this one solely for mitigation more often than Taurochole.
Holos(系統論)血補的較少,但減傷持續更久,比起Taurochole(牛膽 汁)可以更常用來當減傷用。

‧ Ideally, you can utilize both: just leave the party/tank a bit below
full hp, and then use Holos/Tauro before the hit lands, so the healing and mitigation both get value.

理想情況下你能兩個都用:讓隊員/坦的血線比滿血少一些,然後在大傷來之前開 Holos/Tauro(系統論/牛膽汁),這樣補血和減傷都能兼顧。

‧ You get more value if you heal before the next instance of
damage, rather than healing after the previous, if that makes sense.


[Zoe 命源]

‧ This only works on GCD heals, of which there are 5: Diagnosis,
Eukrasian Diagnosis, Prognosis, Eukrasian Prognosis, and Pneuma.

這招只能用在全部5招GCD治療技:Diagnosis、Eukrasian Diagnosis、Prognosis 、Eukrasian Prognosis和Pneuma(診斷、E診斷、預防、E預防、靈息)

‧ Zoe does NOT work on anything else in the Sage kit - GCD
healing spells only, no Addersgall or other abilities.


‧ Zoe also does not work on Kardia procs, so if you plan to
pre-weave Zoe a few seconds early while DPSing, you can, but
try not to let its duration expire.

他也不會增加攻擊造成的Kardia(心靈)補量,要排進DPS軸的時候要注 意。

‧ Using Zoe on base Diagnosis/Prognosis without the Eukrasia augment is
subpar, since the total potency value on those heals is lower.

拿Zoe(命源)去搭配沒強化過得GCD治療技,效益會比配E技差,因為E技的補量 +盾比較大。

‧ Use it for larger GCD heals - it's particularly good in big dungeon
pulls with E.Diag if it crits, and by far the BEST use case in raids is with Pneuma.

拿來搭配大發的GCD治療技-像是四人副本中觸發爆擊的E.Diag(E診斷),或八人 副本中配合Pneuma(靈息)來一發大的。

[Pneuma 靈息]

‧ This spell is not a damage gain, it's a DPS-neutral healing GCD on a 2 minute cooldown, sharing the same potency as Dosis 3. Use it primarily to heal. (It can also cleave in a multi-target situation, as it’s a
line AoE, but the healing is usually more important.)

這招不影響DPS,他是個兩分鐘CD、傷害跟Dosis 3(澀苦藥)一樣的GCD治療技, 請主要用來治療(雖然也可以拿來當直線AE,但她的補量重要多了)。

‧ As previously mentioned, Pneuma can be used with Zoe to great effect - Pneuma is a 600 potency heal, and Zoe amplifies that to a chunky 900
potency. This is not only the largest raw AoE heal available to Sage, but it's also the only DPS-neutral/positive use case of Zoe, because
Pneuma does equivalent damage to a Dosis cast.

如前所述,Pneuma(靈息)跟Zoe(命源)是絕配- Pneuma(靈息)有600治療量 ,Zoe(命源)能幫忙拉到900,這不僅是賢者最強的單發群補,還是在不損失DPS 的情況下使用Zoe(命源)的唯一方法,因為Pneuma(靈息)的傷害跟Dosis 3

‧ BE AWARE that Pneuma's heal goes off roughly 1 second into the cast
time, so if you're trying to precast Pneuma and you feel like it's not healing, you need to delay it by a GCD.

當心,Pneuma(靈息)的補血有1秒的延遲。所以如果你想先預唱Pneuma(靈息) 然後感覺好像沒補到,你得再等一個GCD。

‧ Pneuma is an exception: it's an extremely fast and responsive
spell in this game where people are used to spells being
delayed. Thus, make sure to use it AFTER taking damage so it
doesn't get wasted and end up overhealing before the damage
even hits.

在這個人人唱法時都可以順便泡泡麵的遊戲中,Pneuma(靈息)的急速 反應是個例外。因此要確保在受到傷害之後才用,以免在真正的傷害到 來之前就造成補量的浪費。

‧ I've seen lots of reports of people claiming Pneuma is bugged or
doesn't heal. 100% of the time so far, it’s been functioning correctly serverside, and I have not yet been provided a log that proves this


‧ Pneuma is coded in a weird way despite working very well, so sometimes the game fails to update the HP bar on your UI until the next network data packet from the server comes in - just trust that they’ve been
healed, even if the HP bar updates late on your client.

‧ It’s coded as a singular, large HoT tick. Yes, it’s dumb, and it
means that Pneuma can’t trigger Divine Veil, but it also means the
heal doesn’t need to propagate, which I will gladly accept as a price for the responsiveness.

[Phlegma 炎黏液質]

‧ This is, by far, our hardest-hitting spell, but it is both a GCD and
requires you to be within 6y of the target, which is twice that of
standard melee range.


‧ It can be both a mobility and a weaving tool, but it does have the range restriction.


‧ It's a targeted AoE, so in dungeons, spam it on cooldown and
hit as many enemies as you can by targeting the mob closest to the middle of the pack.


‧ In raids, for the opener, do your prepull+dot on pull, then wait around 2-3 GCDs for raid buffs to come up, then use double Phlegma under raid buffs. Try to avoid capping on 2 stacks, so use it whenever it's close to capping so that you can use it in raid buffs again later.

八人副本中,先把dot掛好,等兩三個GCD等到團隊buff都上好之後,上前把兩層 Phlegma(炎黏液質)都砸下去。避免讓他充到兩層滿,快滿時就上去砸一發,直 到下次團隊buff準備好的時候再準備砸兩發。

‧ If you want to align Phlegma with the 2-min burst windows
and/or 1-min Trick Attack windows, use it in a 2-1-2-1 pattern at each minute mark starting from when you use it in the opener . However, if there is a multi-target segment, using Phlegma
there to cleave is better.

如果你想把Phlegma(炎黏液質)排進兩分鐘爆發循環和/或一分鐘突進 威循環,在開場打完之後就以2-1-2-1的規律去排,不過如果有多目標階 段,就優先用在多目標。

‧ Be aware that the second Phlegma may sometimes fall out of the 2-min raid buff windows if doing it this way - it still hits
under 20s-duration buffs, but not 15s buffs. If you don't have any 20s buffs to bother hitting Phlegma under, you can use that second charge for movement.

要注意,第二發Phlegma(炎黏液質)有時可能會無法配合兩分鐘團隊爆 發-只能吃到20秒的buff,但吃不到15秒的。如果團隊沒有20秒的buff可 以讓妳打這發,就在需要機動性時使用。

[Pepsis 沸液排異]

‧ Pepsis is primarily a utility/QoL button, not an important cooldown
part of your healing rotation.


‧ It replaces the shields granted by E.Diag and E.Prog with raw healing. At face value, you would use it after you use either one of those GCDs.


‧ Pepsis heals for 450p when removing E.Diag, and 350p when
removing E.Prog.

Pepsis(沸液排異)移除E.Diag(E診斷)時補450,移除E.Prog(E預防 )時補350。

‧ Base E.Diag shield is 540p - try not to immediately remove this with Pepsis, get some value out of it.


‧ Base E.Prog shield is 320p - if you want to remove this with
Pepsis for +30p of healing, feel free unless you NEED the

E.Prog(E預防)的盾是320-你開心的話就直接轉掉去多拿這30補量沒差 ,除非真的需要這個盾。

‧ Pepsis can be used in the weave window immediately after
casting E.Diag/E.Prog, since shields now apply sooner in
Endwalker than they did in Shadowbringers.

Pepsis(沸液排異)能在招式時間軸中接著E技立刻使用,因為6.0的盾 作用速度比5版快。

‧ It's possible to let the shields break some, but not all of the way,
and then use Pepsis to remove the remainder - you still get the full
450p/350p heal.


‧ The healing from Pepsis can crit, which is a little bonus hp if you're overridng a non-crit Eukrasia shield.


‧ Pepsis does not remove the bonus half of the shield (Differential
Diagnosis) from critting an E.Diag.


‧ If you only want to AoE burst heal, and don't need shields or have no
other options, E.Prog->Pepsis is a decent option. Ideally, you use
other cooldowns first before resorting to GCD healing.

如果你只想要AE爆發治療,不需要AE盾或者沒別的手段了,那E.Prog(E預防)接 Pepsis(沸液排異)是個不錯的手段。理想情況下,你應該先用其他長CD招式來 拉血。

‧ If a fight begins with a mechanic that drops the entire party
to 1 HP (e.g.: SoS Extreme or the current first Extreme trial that drops accessories), you can prepull shield with E.Prog and then use Pepsis after the party falls to 1 HP. Those mechanics typically do not remove shields, so Sage is able to convert
them to health to heal the party back to full HP.

如果王的機制是開場讓全團剩1滴血(像是極暗神),你能在開王前給全 團上E.Prog(E預防),全團剩1滴血之後接Pepsis(沸液排異)。這類 機制不會破盾,因此賢者可以靠這招來拉血。

[Krasis 四液混合]

‧ This is not a boost to healing done by you, but rather a boost to all
healing received by the target of Krasis.

這不是只針對你本身的治療增益,而是Krasis(四液混合)目標受到的所有治療 增益。

‧ Both Krasis and Physis 2 can be used before abilities like Kerachole and Haima/Panhaima to snapshot the increased healing buff onto the
regens/refreshing shields so that the increased healing effect persists

Krasis(四液混合)Physis 2(自然癒合)都可以在放Kerachole、Haima、
Panhaima(角膽汁、血液質、泛血質)之前使用,讓HoT/重置盾都能吃到治療增 益的效果。

‧ Krasis is a rather large boost (20%), so it can be used for quick
recovery of a party member, and is especially good when combined with certain things your cohealer might have to offer.

Krasis(四液混合)給予大量的治療增益,可以針對單一隊友快速抬血,拿來配 合你的補師隊友更是妙不可言。

‧ Krasis has a good number of synergies. At face value, it's a healthy
boost to any amount of burst healing, especially if you have help from a cohealer. This is highly effective for recovering from heavy tank

Krasis(四液混合)可以跟許多情況做搭配。這招對任何爆發治療都很搭,特別 是有其他補師幫你的時候,拿來補坦克大傷時非常有效。

‧ It has extremely good synergy with Haima for keeping the tank
at a healthy HP, or if you switch Kardia to an injured party
member, with Soteria for easy spot healing.


‧ The most fun way to use Krasis would probably be combining it
with other healing buffs and a Scholar's Recitation+Adloquium+ Deployment Tactics for an absolutely massive party shield.


《Dungeon Healing 四人副本》

[Tank Upkeep 奶坦]

‧ Sage excels at maintaining the tank's HP at a steady level rather than recovering it when it's low.


‧ Just like how tanks cycle through their mitigation to keep a consistent amount of it up, Sage wants to keep up a near-permanent 10% mitigation on the tank at higher levels (70+). This is not possible at lower
levels with less oGCDs - you can rely on GCD heals heavily at low

就像坦要盡量保持自己的減傷全程覆蓋,賢者在70等以上的四人副本也要在坦身 上保持近乎永久的10%減傷。太低等的副本會因為能力技太少而無法達成-你需要 更加依賴你的GCD治療技。

‧ When dealing with the bosses' tankbusters, Taurochole is the go-to
option. If the tank is healthy, then use Taurochole after the
tankbuster, but if they’re not, then use it on the tank before they
take the hit.

在處理坦克大傷時,Taurochole(牛膽汁)是最佳選擇。如果坦的血量很穩,那 在他吃坦克大傷後再用;不穩的話就在之前先用。

[Rotation 循環]

‧ APPLY KARDIA AT THE START OF THE DUNGEON (and press Lucid Dreaming very often)


‧ Apply prepull E.Diag, and E.Dosis to mobs while running. You can also
use Zoe+EDiag during this period while the tank is grabbing mobs and
the first shield is gone. if Be aware that, like WHM's Regen, Kardia
can potentially pull aggro if you attack while running, so you could
consider shielding yourself with E.Diag for another Toxikon stack.

在趕路的時候先準備好E.Diag(E診斷)和E.Dosis(E劑藥)。在坦拉著怪跑,第 一面盾破掉之後,你也可以用Zoe + E.Diag(命源+E診斷)上更大的盾。如果你 擔心邊跑邊靠Kardia(心靈)打怪補血時,會像白魔掛HoT那樣拉到仇恨,你也可 以在自己身上掛E.Diag(E診斷)拿額外的紅珠。

‧ Use Phlegma and spam Dyskrasia for AoE once the pack is pulled together


‧ Make sure to use Haima on the tank often - it's extremely powerful -
and remember that Panhaima can be used as a weaker Haima even if it is AoE. Both of these can be used with Krasis or Physis 2 to snapshot
boosted regens/shielding.

確保時常對坦開Haima(血液質)-這招超強-然後記得Panhaima(泛血質)能當作 比較弱的AE版。這兩招都能搭配Krasis(四液混合)跟Physis 2(自然癒合)來 增強HoT/重置盾。

‧ In large mob packs, try to cycle your 10% mitigations - these would be Kerachole, Taurochole, and Holos. You want to use each separately to
maintain a high uptime of 10% mitigation. Be aware that the 10%
mitigation from Kerachole and Taurochole DOES NOT STACK!

面對一堆小怪時,試著讓你的10%減傷不斷循環-也就是Kerachole、Taurochole和 Holos(角膽汁、牛膽汁、系統論)。你會希望一招一招分開用以拉長10%減傷的 維持時間。要注意Kerachole(角膽汁)和Taurochole(牛膽汁)的減傷不

‧ Using Kerachole first for the regen+mitigation while the tank
is at high HP, and Taurochole after Kerachole fades for both
the healing and the mitigation is recommended. Holos can be
used to fill gaps between Taurochole and Kerachole, or to
layer additional mitigation on top of either for big pulls.

Taurochole(牛膽汁)接續後續治療和減傷。Holos(系統論)用來補兩 招之間的空隙,或者疊加在兩招之上做大抬血。

‧ Below lvl 76, you don't have Holos, and below lvl 78, Kerachole doesn't have a regen, so instead you may have to rely on
Taurochole and Druochole for your Addersgall usage.

76等以前你沒有Holos(系統論),78等以前Kerachole(角膽汁)不給 HoT,你必須依靠Taurochole(牛膽汁)和Druochole(木膽汁)來打掉 藍珠。

‧ It's fairly easy to layer each mitigation oGCD with a healing oGCD. For example, you could use Druochole+Kerachole, Physis 2+Holos, or
Soteria+Taurochole. These are EXAMPLES and not what you'll always be
doing. You can layer cooldowns together, just don’t blow every
cooldown at once.

你能輕鬆把減傷能力技和治療能力技一起用,像是Druochole+ Kerachole(木膽 汁+角膽汁)、Physis 2+ Holos(自然癒合+系統論)、Soteria+ Taurochole
(救濟+牛膽汁)。以上只是舉例,不代表你一定得這樣做。你能把很多長CD技能 疊在一起用,不要搞到後面沒招開就好。

‧ Additionally, if you use Physis 2 with something else, try to
use it first so that the increased healing buff applies to
other heals casted after Physis 2. The same idea applies to
using Krasis on the tank.

如果你要把Physis 2(自然癒合)跟其他招一起用,先開這招以確保後 續的招式能吃到治療增益。Krasis(四液混合)補坦同理。

‧ Don't forget to press Rhizomata constantly, and don't be afraid to use Druochole or E.Diag if necessary to heal the tank. Just don't spam
unaugmented Diagnosis.


‧ When using Rhizomata, try to be at 0 or 1 Addersgall stacks,
since if you use it at 2, it instantly resets whatever timer
you had on the next Addersgall stack recharging to 0, as
Addersgall does not recharge while you have all 3 stacks.

用Rhizomata(根基)的時候,盡量在藍珠0或1顆的時候用。如果你在 2顆的時候用,下面的藍條會因為滿三顆藍珠而立刻歸零。

[Tank Recovery 幫坦拉血]

‧ What do you do in emergencies?


‧ Ideally, Sage should be able to prevent the emergency in the first
place with mitigation, regen and shields, but let's say your party dps sucks and mobs aren't dying, or the tank is big pulling with no cds.

理想情況下,賢者應該要靠減傷、HoT和盾來避免緊急狀況,但我們來假設你們整 團DPS都很鳥,或者坦是個自不量力的超級速度人。

‧ Do your best to apply mitigation and heal quickly, and use
extra cooldowns if needed - just the typical game plan, but
executed faster in response to the emergency

盡可能快速開減傷和治療,有需要就開長CD技能-就跟原本的安排一樣, 只是時間全部縮短來應付緊急狀況。

‧ If you have absolutely nothing left, you can resort to spamming E.Diag on the tank and hope you get a nice crit and they survive - don't
forget about using Zoe with E.Diag, or using Pepsis on a mostly-broken shield for the full heal value.

如果你什麼都開掉了,就瘋狂對坦灑E.Diag(E診斷),祈禱能開出一面爆擊盾讓 坦能保命-別忘記搭Zoe(命源)把盾變大,或用Pepsis(沸液排異)把一直破掉 的盾轉成補量。

‧ You should only really need to spam E.Diag for maybe 3-5 GCDs
until something else comes back up so you can recover, unless it's really going THAT poorly, in which case good luck lol,
there's no saving that situation

你大概只需要灑3-5個GCD的E.Diag(E診斷),就有其他招可以開了。要 是運氣好到真的什麼都沒得開就……躺平放推吧不然怎麼辦。

《Raid Healing 八人副本》

[Party Healing 團隊治療]

‧ The best healing tools you have by far for healing the party are
Panhaima, Physis 2, post-lvl.78 Kerachole, Holos, and Ixochole.

你最強的團隊治療招式是Panhaima、Physis 2、78等之後的Kerachole、Holos和 Ixochole(泛血質、自然癒合、角膽汁、系統論、黏膽汁)。

‧ Kerachole (post-lvl.78 when it has its HP regen) should be the default answer to as many AoEs as possible - just use it right before the AoE for the 10% mitigation, and let its 500p regen heal the party afterwards.

Kerachole(角膽汁)(78等、能上HoT的版本)是扛AE傷害的第一選擇- 在AE下來之前就用來開10%減傷,並用500治療量來拉後續的血線。

‧ Ixochole is a good choice for fast-response raw healing on a
fairly low cooldown, but the rest are tangibly more powerful, and can be prioritized for hard-hitting mechanics.

Ixochole(黏膽汁)作為短CD的快速反應治療技能很好,但其他技能明 顯強上一節,而且能針對大傷機制去預先安排。

‧ It is by no means necessary to preshield with E.Prog for every raidwide , considering how many other forms of mitigation Sage has available to it - you usually only need E.Prog if you actually need both the
shielding and healing at a moment's notice.

賢者已經有太多減傷手段了,沒必要在每個AE前都開E.Prog(E預防)-通常只在 你同時需要盾和補血時才要用。

‧ However, E.Prog does retain full mobility because of its double instant cast nature, so it can be an insanely good progression/ safety-gaming tool to have available.

然而E.Prog(E預防)靠著雙重無詠唱,還是有高機動的優勢,所以他還 是個很好的保險。

‧ Raids typically have less damage on the tank than big mob pulls, so
Kardia, Haima, and Taurochole should usually be able to handle most
autos and tankbusters, and the remainder can be made up for by AoE
healing the party. If necessary, though, Sage still has Krasis, Soteria , E.Diag, and more to keep the tanks healthy.

Taurochole(心靈、血液質、牛膽汁)用來擋王普攻和坦克大傷,其他的拿來團 補。真的需要的話,你還有Krasis、Soteria、E,Diag(四液混合、救濟、E診斷 )和一狗票技能能讓坦健健康康的。

‧ Focus on using your Addersgall stacks and other oGCDs to heal before
resorting to GCD healing.


‧ If the raid you're doing doesn't have much incoming AoE damage, and you don't want to overcap on Addersgall stacks, you can
toss out a Druochole on any player (often the main tank) just to restore some MP - it's better than not using the stacks at all.

如果你打的八人副本沒那麼多AE,你又不想讓藍珠滿出來,可以對隨便 一個人(通常是主坦)放Druochole(木膽汁)來回魔,總比放著滿手藍 珠不管好。

‧ If a DPS gets hit by a stray AoE attack and takes unnecessary damage,
if they're safe at the moment you can swap Kardia onto them (tanks are the least likely to die without it), use a Druochole on them, or just let your cohealer handle it, especially WHM/AST as they have better
tools for that.

如果一個DD手滑爆血,他們當下還安全的話,可以把Kardia(心靈)轉過去(坦 不會因為這樣就暴斃的)、賞他一個Druochole(木膽汁)或乾脆放給另一個補去 處理,特別另一個補是白魔/占星的話,他們最在行了。

[What if you die? 掛了怎麼辦]

‧ Step 1 is to make sure you pick a moment where, when you get rezzed,
you don't immediately die again - you don't always have to instantly
accept the rez.

第一步:確認你要在哪裡、何時復活,不要爬起來再死一次-不需要總是馬上接受 復活。

‧ Use the 5 seconds of invulnerability you get when you rez as
best as you can, but be aware that if you press any action
other than a basic movement key, including Sprint, the invuln will be removed from you.


‧ Rarely, an instance of damage will bypass your invulnerability anyways and kill you - take note of them to not make the same mistake twice. This happens every so often with certain rarer types of mechanics, particularly in Ultimate fights or old
content with less standardization.

少數招式會無視無敵直接讓妳再躺回去-記住這些招式,別犯相同的錯誤 。這種招式在某些罕見的機制,特別是極難度或古早混沌時代的副本中 時常出現。

‧ Step 2 is to make sure you stabilize yourself first so that you won't
die - Addersgall can still charge when you're dead, so when you revive you should usually have a couple options to heal yourself available.
Using EDiag+Taurochole or Druochole on yourself is usually a fairly
decent choice. Hopefully as well, the cohealer can help stabilize you.

第二步:起來後馬上穩住自己以免再死一次-藍珠在你伏地魔的時候還會繼續充能 ,所以你一起來就應該會有很多手段拉自己的血。對自己用E.Diag+ Taurochole 或Druochole(E診斷+牛膽汁/木膽汁)通常是個好選擇,或者希望你的補師同伴 能賞點慈悲。

‧ Don't forget to use Lucid Dreaming to get some MP back if you
have it available.


‧ After you yourself are stabilized, you can go back to focusing on
killing the boss and keeping the team alive.


《Damage and Stuff 輸出》

[Prepull 準備階段]

‧ If you intend on trying to farm Addersting stacks, cast E.Diag three
times so that the shields break if the fight begins with a raidwide, as they often do.

如果你想農紅珠,先唱三個E.Diag(E診斷)等開王之後的AE破盾,通常都會有開 場AE。

‧ You can also use E.Prog to shield the whole party - it will not replace E.Diag, and E.Diag will overwrite E.Prog if it’s already up. Depending on the fight, you may want to mix up the order that you use your 3x
E.Diag and 1x E.Prog in - for example, since the main tank's E.Diag
shield is likely to break immediately from autos, you could use that
first, and if the opening raidwide is later, rather than sooner, you
could E.Prog last.

也可以用E.Prog(E預防)給全團上盾-他不會取代E.Diag(E診斷),也無法疊加 。根據戰鬥情況,你可能會想調整這3+1的順序-舉例來說,因為主坦的E.Diag
(E診斷)馬上就會被王普攻打破,你可以先給他上盾;如果王的開場AE來的比較 慢,可以最後再上E.Prog(E預防)

‧ Do all the prepull shielding during the countdown - it should
take exactly 10 seconds to cast 4 shields, leaving you 5-10
seconds to prepull pot/cast on a typical 15-20s countdown. Once you're done shielding, move into the opener.

在倒數時做完這些前置動作-應該會花正好10秒上四個盾,在一般15-20 秒的倒數中還會有5-10秒的空檔。上完盾之後就準備開打。

[Opener and rotation 開場和循環]

‧ Due to the nature of Sage being a healer, its "opener" is fairly simple and not very interesting. Healers tend to have more prepull setup than opener action, but it's good to know what it looks like regardless.

賢者畢竟是個補,她的開場簡單到有點無聊。補師忙的是準備階段而非開場階段 ,不過看看不會少塊肉。

‧ After you lead off with E.Dosis, start using Dosis in the short period before raid buffs are activated, and use Phlegma under raid buffs as
much as possible.

在上了E.Dosis(E劑藥)之後,唱Dosis(劑藥)直到團隊buff啟動,在buff持續 時間內連打兩個Phlegma(炎黏液質)

‧ Sage can only Single weave under E.Dosis and has the least instant casts per minute of every healer, so you need to single weave under
unaugmented Dosis quite often and do your best to plan ahead for what you'll need to weave.

賢者在GCD輸出之間就只有一個E.Dosis(E劑藥)能插,他是補師中每分鐘輸出能 力技插最少的,所以你要經常在兩個Dosis(劑藥)之間插能力技,並盡可能計算 自己的輸出排軸。

‧ Toxikon is a DPS loss unless the stack was farmed in prepull/downtime
and Phlegma is melee range, so Sage's instant casts have quite some
restrictions - being tied to a gcd heal, only being able to single
weave, restricting you to nearly melee range to use Phlegma, etc.

(炎黏液質)又是近戰距離,所以賢者的瞬發輸出限制很大-在單能力技技能軸中 跟GCD治療技綁在一起、邊放邊進入近戰距離砸Phlegma(炎黏液質),等等等等

‧ Whenever possible, try to DoT and/or cleave multiple targets with
Phlegma, Toxicon, Dyskrasia, and potentially Pneuma if the healing
isn't critically important. It's a fairly good DPS gain, especially for Phlegma, Toxicon, and Dyskrasia in 2-target situations.

盡可能對多目標上DoT、放Phlegma、Toxikon、Dyskrasia(炎黏液質、箭毒、四 液失衡),如果治療沒那麼重要的話甚至可以開Pneuma(靈息)。這在兩個目標 以上的情況能有效提高DPS,特別對於Phlegma、Toxikon、Dyskrasia(炎黏液質 、箭毒、四液失衡)

《Minor other things 一些小事情》

[Living Dead/1HP doom? 活死人/死亡宣告?]

‧ To be very blunt: Sage's kit is not designed to handle these without
significant investment of cooldowns, which means that in all situations , you need to go into these with a plan or you'll end up blowing most of your cooldowns (or just dying).

實話實說:賢者不把大部份長CD招式扔下去的話就處理不了這情況,這代表你必 須先計畫好該怎麼辦,不然就是得繳掉大部分招式(然後還是可能會死)。

‧ The first thing you should try to lead off with is weaving in a Physis 2 because of the global +10% healing buff. However, you may also want to weave a Krasis in on the tank before Physis so it snapshots onto the regen from Physis and so you can stack the healing buffs.

你第一個要試的,是開Physis 2(自然癒合)拿10%治療增益,不過你可能也想先 開Krasis(四液混合),讓前者的補量能多吃到治療增益。

‧ For Living Dead, the main solution you have is to cry while
dumping most of the single target heals you have onto the DRK.

對上活死人,你的最佳解就是邊哭邊把妳手上所有的單體治療往那個天 殺的DK砸。

‧ For party healing, you can weave Physis+Zoe, then use Pneuma+
Ixochole for a massive AoE burst heal. (Make sure the tanks get healed too if they have Doom on them)

對上團隊死宣,你能開Physis 2+Zoe(自然癒合+命源)接Pneuma+
Ixochole(靈息+黏膽汁)造成爆發AE治療(如果坦也吃到死宣,確保坦 也有受到治療)。

[Hotbar Setup 熱鍵配置]

‧ Curious about what your hotbar should look like?


‧ Unfortunately, there's no real answer to this - ultimately, your hotbar should be tailored for your own maximum comfort.


‧ There are some basic fundamental recommendations though.


‧ Dosis and Eukrasia, for example, should be on very
easy-to-reach buttons, and it's fairly intuitive to group the Addersgall oGCD heals together.

Dosis(劑藥)和Eukrasia(四液平衡)要放在容易按到的位置,旁邊則 是藍珠技。

‧ If you play other healers, you could try to bind Sage's actions to the ones most similar to their other healer equivalents, and if you don't play other healers, you could try binding Sage's single target and AoE actions to ones that seem to intuitively match what they would equate to on other roles.

如果你有玩其他補師,你可以試著把賢者的技能放在其他補師類似的位 置上。沒有的話就把賢者的單體和AE輸出技能放在跟其他角色類似的位 置上。

‧ Also, make sure you have Limit Break, Rescue, and Swiftcast+
Egeiro(Sage's Resurrect) hotbarred!


‧ Since people will probably want examples anyways, here are two I
consider pretty good.


‧ For controller 手把用

‧ For keyboard 鍵盤用

[Removing Eukrasia 移除Eukrasia(四液平衡)]

‧ Eukrasia is not a toggleable ability, since it's a GCD - when you press it, it changes the job gauge, gives you a buff, and augments your
spells. Because it's a buff, you can either click it off or
/statusoff Eukrasia to remove it.

Eukrasia(四液平衡)身為GCD技,並不是榜定的能力-你按下去,改變職業量表 ,給妳一個buff,強化你的技能。因為他是個buff,你可以右鍵點掉,或者
“/statusoff Eukrasia”拿掉。

‧ Thus, if you misclick it and don't want to use it, it might be good to hotbar a macro to remove the buff if you can react fast enough to misclicking it (within less than a second).


‧ Ideally, though, you simply just don't misclick Eukrasia,
because this macro fix only mitigates the potential lost
GCD/potency down to a lost 1 second and doesn't prevent the
lost second itself.


‧ Removing Eukrasia if you misclick it: 移除巨集

/statusoff Eukrasia
/micon Eukrasia

[Other Macros? 其他巨集?]

‧ I don't use macros very often, as I prefer to manually target – it's
more responsive – however, mouseover macros can be decent for Icarus, Kardia, and Rescue.

我不怎麼用巨集,我比較喜歡手動按-這樣更靈活-不過,mouseover巨集對Icarus 、Kardia(伊卡洛斯之翼、心靈)和拉人滿好用的。

‧ You just want to make a macro out of:


/merror off
/ac “action_name” <mo> (repeat this line 13 times 重複13遍)
/micon “action_name”

‧ Replace “action_name” with “Icarus”, “Kardia”, or

自己把“action_name”換成“Icarus”, “Kardia”, 或 “Rescue”

‧ I don't recommend using any other macros with abilities in them, but if you're really really lazy, you could also try putting, say, Taurochole or Druochole into a mouseover macro.

我不建議替其他能力技做巨集,但要是你真的世界無敵懶,你也可以把單體藍珠 技套入上述的巨集。

‧ If you're on a controller, well, unlucky.


‧ If you're wondering about a Rez macro, it's a lot better to have a text macro that you can use anytime to call out your Rez target, and then
manually input the Rez yourself whenever it's safe to do so, rather
than relying on a macro to do it for you + barely give any advance
warning to your cohealer.

如果你想要的是復活巨集,弄個文字巨集去喊你要復活哪個目標再手動復活會好 的多,還能順便提醒另一個補師。

[Prepull Pneuma 開場Pneuma(靈息)]

‧ If you've heard about "prepull Pneuma":


‧ This is a micro-optimization that exists because you cannot both
prepull Dosis and use E.Dosis on the boss at the split second it gets pulled, so doing Eukrasia prepull-> -1.5s prepull Pneuma -> E.Dosis
immediately shifts your entire GCD timeline forwards by one second,
which is potentially a small dps gain if it allows you to gain an extra DoT tick or GCD cast.

‧ ONLY do this if you KNOW you won't need Pneuma in the first two minutes of the fight.

‧ Not only do you lose being able to use Pneuma at the start, you won't be able to combo it with Zoe either, which, when used in that fashion, could gain you much more DPS by saving you from having to use a GCD heal than you would gain from using it

‧ It's an extremely small gain that barely changes anything and
comes at a very high price, so I don’t recommend this to the
average player - but you may hear about it, so this part is
just here so you know it exists.

[Job Design and My Opinions 職業設計與我的意見]

‧ Not that anyone really wants to hear those.


‧ Sage's design is not flawless, and overall there are a fair number of
seemingly minor nitpicks to be had with the job, but overall I'm quite happy with how it turned out.


‧ Toxicon feels vestigial, Sage has fewer instant cast GCDs than the
other healers, Soteria feels weak, the 15s duration of Haima and
Panhaima is too short, Phlegma 3 is restricted to melee range, Pneuma is our best heal and can't be used without a targetable enemy, the
design of Addersgall forces you to try not to overcap but also boxes
you in to 20s windows if you need to heal and have no Rhizomata, etc.

Toxikon(箭毒)很雞肋、賢者的瞬發GCD比其他補都少、Soteria(救濟)很爛、 Haima和Panhaima(血液質、泛血質)只有15秒太少、Phlegma(炎黏液質)
比信長強一點、Pneuma(靈息)是我們最好的治療,卻一定得找個敵人才能放、 藍珠的設計逼你要監控不讓他過量,卻又讓你在沒藍珠沒Rhizomata(根基)的20 秒空窗期需要治療時很尷尬。

‧ However, you can double weave Rescue+Icarus to switcheroo with someone and grief them, so it's a 100/10 perfect job would play again.

不過你可以連按拉人+ Icarus(伊卡洛斯之翼)耍人,100/10,每次玩都超爽。

‧ Icarus is nearly instant, but Rescue has a delay on the pull
and snapshots your position as soon as you use it, which enable you to switcheroo with someone, but prevents you from using it to drag someone further than usual by dashing with Icarus.

Icarus(伊卡洛斯之翼)幾乎等同瞬發,但拉人有延遲,所以你可以利 用這個延遲跟人玩交換位置,但要記得拉人的距離比Icarus(伊卡洛斯 之翼)多5米。

‧ I wish Icarus had two charges and Rescue had a shorter cooldown


‧ Written by Aeya Statera!
‧ If you have any feedback, DM me on Discord. I'm not posting my tag, you'll
have to find me. I'll be in the Sage channels in the Balance.
Feedback, suggestions, and additions from the kind people in the Balance has
been very appreciated, especially from the mentors and helpers. Thanks to
Moth for providing the Sage job icons and the opener infographics that I usedin this doc.







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iam071801/22 23:46幫推 先收藏

※ 編輯: o07608 ( 臺灣), 01/22/2022 23:48:54

LittleJade01/23 00:26幫推翻譯

asd101/23 00:40The Blackest Night就暗騎的盾 時效內被打破會給MP減耗效果

LittleJade01/23 01:10跟學者配合學者那三招就是秘策+鼓舞+展開

Yanrei01/23 01:17先推,賢者蠻好玩的

Yanrei01/23 01:18他其實意外的單純,就只要搞清楚能力技優先順序就好了

Yanrei01/23 01:26正常流程的話,你幾乎所有的招式都是瞬發,所以很好上手

mikechang01/23 01:44推。不過這技能名真難記…

LittleJade01/23 01:50日本人也有在說都片假名很難記,而且顏色還都很像XD

o0760801/23 01:55看來中文可能還好一點XD

Yanrei01/23 02:00我都用功能來記,名字太難了

nomorethings01/23 03:27我都用熱鍵記比較快 熱鍵=功能

rock542101/23 05:58看片假名就跟背醫學名詞一樣哭啊XD

super796701/23 07:46給推

bl00din01/23 10:22英文就還滿好分的

diefish556601/23 11:40賢者一堆技能都學者換皮 快捷鍵位置都不用大動

Yanrei01/23 12:27我玩四補其實都是這樣,照性能來擺位置

LittleJade01/23 14:46有練很多個職業都會這樣吧,除了職能技能以外

LittleJade01/23 14:47同職能也會有類似技能,擺一起比較習慣,久沒碰也容易

LittleJade01/23 14:47回想

errantry3401/23 19:56翻譯的也太好 推推

errantry3401/23 19:58技能中文名會讓我覺得賢者比起高科技更像個巫醫

diefish556601/23 20:29希臘時期的人體學說基本上沒幾個對的啊 XD

o07608:轉錄至看板 FFXIV

07/10 15:01