Re: [討論] 微軟正式承諾十年內決勝時刻登陸任天堂

看板C_Chat標題Re: [討論] 微軟正式承諾十年內決勝時刻登陸任天堂作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:3

※ 引述《kylefan (柚子)》之銘言:
: Phil Spencer推特發文
: 不知道10 year commitment
: 是指十年內開始登陸任天堂主機
: 還是會在接下來十年都登陸任天堂主機的意思
: 另外也說在收購之後會繼續在Steam上販售
: Microsoft has entered into a 10-year commitment to bring Call of Duty to
: @Nintendo following the merger of Microsoft and Activision Blizzard King. Micr
: osoft is committed to helping bring more games to more people – however they ch
: oose to play. @ATVI_AB
: I'm also pleased to confirm that Microsoft has committed to continue to offer Ca
: ll of Duty on @Steam simultaneously to Xbox after we have closed the merger with
: Activision Blizzard King. @ATVI_AB @ValveSoftware
: sgw

Brad Smith也跳下來玩惹

Our acquisition will bring Call of Duty to more gamers and more platforms
than ever before.

That's good for competition and good for consumers.

""""""""""""Thank you @Nintendo."""""""""""""

Any day @Sony wants to sit down and talk, we'll be happy to hammer out a 10-year deal for
PlayStation as well.

微軟高層也懂 ありがとうニンテンドー?!


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alljerry0412/07 15:17?s= 那段都可以刪掉沒差


※ 編輯: carotyao ( 臺灣), 12/07/2022 15:19:57

vsepr5512/07 15:20垂死掙扎,莎木香檳都買好準備開了

leamaSTC12/07 15:22整段話的針對性全開 索尼無話可說啊

補充一下 這份合約v社也簽了 所以以後應該也是完全同步steam吧

※ 編輯: carotyao ( 臺灣), 12/07/2022 15:23:15

mikeneko12/07 15:34我天天看索板,跟你講白的,現實世界的風向早就變了

mikeneko12/07 15:34日任美索 索又比任賣更好 海水退了就知道卡比沒有穿褲子

torukumato12/07 15:39這以退為進真的狠 大家都能玩 你索尼是不是想害大家

torukumato12/07 15:39沒得玩