[情報] 12/07 the daily horoscope
Someone may be holding back as they explain their thoughts on a matter you are both involved in. You need to make a decision, dear Gemini, but you also need to know what this person feels about the issue - not just what they think. If you don't understand the emotional aspects of the situation, it will be moredifficult to reach an outcome that will be pleasing to everyone. If you explain it that way, you may get down to the bottom of it faster. You might start by sharing how you feel!
你需要做個決定,親愛的雙子座,但是你也需要這個人對於這件議題的感覺 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯的話請指教,謝謝。
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首PoThere may be a mistake from your past that you keep thinking about, Gemini. Pe rhaps you have tried to forgive yourself and move on without success. But if y ou can't rationalize whatever took place way back when - even though you have clearly learned something from it - then find a way in this present moment to take yourself off the hook. If you could do a good deed for another person in1
首PoYou may be nurturing a wildly creative idea right now, Gemini, and your though ts may be all over the place, which is typical of your frenetic nature. But yo u may think that this idea is far too big to take on right now because you hav e several other things in the works at the same time. But if you don't start n ow, when will you begin? You are, after all, always busy doing something. Try1
首PoHave you ever turned on the kitchen sink in order to fill it up to fill a cup or rinse dishes, only to forget that you left the water running? Soon enough, the sink overflows, and then you have a big mess to clean up. You may be getti ng sidetracked now with a goal of yours, and this is your reminder to pay clos er attention to it. You have set a few things in motion, Gemini, but if you do1
首PoThe hardest thing for you today will be to be diplomatic with someone who is b eing disrespectful. It will also be the most important thing you can do, dear Gemini. Even if you encounter someone who is rude, insensitive, thoughtless, a nd unkind, you are encouraged to be diplomatic in return. If you respond with anger or you behave defensively, you may incite a conflict, and nothing good w
[情報] 11/05 the daily horoscopeWhen someone is torn over a decision or doesn't know how to handle a problem, they might reach out for advice. Depending on who they reach out to, they migh t receive advice that is very helpful, insightful, or that seems to be one siz e fits all. If you are contemplating an important matter now, Gemini, don't se ek out guidance from just anyone. You may be dealing with an issue that is mul1
[情報] 05/04 the daily horoscopeYou can clearly see the truth in a serious situation, but others do not see it . No matter how many times you point it out, and how clearly you explain what you see that is wrong, they aren't responding. Could it be that nothing is wro ng? Possibly. Or could it be that they don't want to see what you see? That's more likely, Gemini. If you have made your point, then it's quite likely that1
[情報] 06/13 the daily horoscopeRepeating an affirmation over and over is a good start for manifesting somethi ng you want. But there is much more to it than that, dear Gemini. You may not understand why a certain dream of yours has not yet materialized, despite your strong belief that it can. You may be going through the motions to make it ha ppen, but do you really believe that it will? Or is there a sense of desperati1
[情報] 07/27 the daily horoscopeA challenging situation that you are handling right now may be even more chall enging than it has to be. That could be because of a difficult personality tha t you must also deal with. But allowing that person to control what you do or how you do it is up to you exclusively, Gemini. You may feel obligated in some way to answer to this individual, or to at least hear them out, but the ultim1
[情報] 09/09 the daily horoscopeSomeone newer in your life may have upset you or hurt your feelings recently, dear Gemini. Even so, you may want to understand why and continue to interact with that individual. That's a wise thing to do. If you can figure out why you were treated in a way you think was not appropriate, you may learn more about both yourself and the other people involved. There is also the possibility th1
[情報] 03/01 the daily horoscopeYou may have to face both a difficult person and a difficult situation at the same time today, Gemini. But that's not a sign that things aren't going to go well for you. If you tense up beforehand, though, because you are nervous abou t what you are getting into, you won't be as well prepared to handle the situa tion. So, Gemini, relax. Don't anticipate the worst outcome. Make up your mind1
[情報] 04/10 the daily horoscopeIf you can team up with someone who you have a mutual goal with today, dear Ge mini, you will benefit from the partnership and the camaraderie. Whether your goal is to get fit, to learn something new, or to reach for a goal, you can pr ovide inspiration, support, and so much more to each other as you move forward , benefiting both of you and making the experience more productive and also mo1
[情報] 10/29 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling extra ambitious today, dear Gemini, and you happen to be ve ry creatively persuasive. That makes this a great day to reach out to people w ho can help you make a goal of yours come true. Your ideas are not enough. No matter how much you fantasize about something you want to do, it will come to nothing if you don't start making it happen. Now is the time to get going. The- If you felt like you were drowning, the tossing of a life ring would be a welc ome surprise. But until someone saw you in distress and threw you that life ri ng, there would be fear and panic. Scary thoughts might rush through your mind . If you find yourself in a situation now where you feel like you are going do wn for the last time - or maybe you even feel doomed - know that a life ring a
- Try to resist losing your temper or becoming overly stressed over a matter you are dealing with today, Gemini. There may be someone else involved, and you m ay be frustrated that they don't understand what you are trying to tell them o r how you are trying to guide them. But losing your temper and showing your an xiety might only make it worse. Try to figure this out by asking the other par