[情報] 01/15 the daily horoscope
It may feel like someone has turned against you because you have spoken the truth. You only spoke up, though, because you felt cornered. Maybe there was anaccusation or an implication that made you feel defensive. Whatever the reason, you may now be feeling alone. Sometimes, though, dear Gemini, being alone can be good. It will give the other party time to reflect on their own role in a conflict. By speaking the truth, you have awakened someone's self-awareness,and that's not a bad thing at all. Just be patient. An apology may follow - or at least a realization.
隨後會道歉 — 或者至少是一種認識。
P S. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoIf a lot of people have been criticizing you recently because of something you want to do, then you might as well stop criticizing yourself. After all, why add to the chorus of negative voices? Obviously, you have made your choice bec ause it's what you want. It shouldn't matter what others think. But if you are adding to the negative vibe because you are unsure, then that is something to1
首PoPressure may be building over a financial or family matter. You may think that something should be done right away, but waiting it out until there is more i nformation would be the wiser thing to do. Anything you set in place today to deal with this might have to be dealt with in a different way later on. Althou gh you may feel anxious about this and eager to put it behind you, dear Gemini1
首PoSomething seems to have changed in a primary relationship of yours. You can't put your finger on it, but it could actually be a good thing. While it may tak e some adjustment, Gemini, try to treat it all more like a new discovery than a big change. If you adapt to a new way of appreciating someone, you will see a rich new wave of potential joy and excitement. Life is always changing, and1
首PoA fascinating new hobby could turn into a lifelong passion if you give yoursel f the chance to really learn and to shine. It might take a while to figure out what you are doing, but this could be something very special for you, dear Ge mini. If you haven't yet found an interest that captivates you, this is a grea t time to start searching, because you need some kind of ongoing creative outl
[情報] 01/01 the daily horoscopeA recent visit that you didn't want to make to someone you didn't want to see, or a recent obligation that you filled that you didn't really want to be both ered with, might have made you feel rather uncomfortable. That's okay. You fol lowed through and did what had to be done, anyway. Hopefully, Gemini, there is a large amount of satisfaction in that. You have been able to turn something3
[情報] 10/04 the daily horoscopeSomeone may give you an answer today that you have been waiting for. But you m ay get the sense that they do not mean what they say. You may surmise that the y felt pressured or rushed to come to a decision, and you may be afraid that y ou are not getting the whole truth. But that's not for you to say, dear Gemini . If you have asked for an answer on an important matter and received it, then2
[情報] 10/25 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling limited by fate, dear Gemini. You may feel that something y ou want to do will exclude you for some reason. Maybe you don't have the right connections. Perhaps you are lacking resources. But that is not your fate, de ar Gemini. If you want something, you can't give up. If you don't have what yo u need at the moment, you can go and seek it out, or you can find a creative w1
[情報] 11/03 the daily horoscopeSomeone might be urging you to move quickly with a venture they are also invol ved in, dear Gemini. Since "fast" is your most comfortable pace, you may be pe rfectly okay with that. However, this situation might require a more careful a pproach. Moving too quickly could cause you to miss certain things. Don't be p ushed to rush forward. Don't rationalize a reason to do so. Take your time. Be1
[情報] 11/04 the daily horoscopeA pat on the back for a job well done, or for support and understanding, can g o a long way in someone's life. When a person is feeling alone, even that smal l bit of recognition can show care and love, and can make someone feel like th ey belong. You may be in need of a pat on the back now, dear Gemini, but it ma y be that no one has noticed or understands. That's okay. Give yourself a pat1
[情報] 03/08 the daily horoscopeYou may feel that a venture you became involved in some time ago is no longer interesting or exciting to you. You do get bored somewhat easily, dear Gemini . And maybe because of the restlessness you feel, you are considering seeking out something new to do instead. But you have already invested yourself in thi s, and you might as well flesh it out fully. Even though you have reached a po1
[情報] 05/17 the daily horoscopeYou may be saying yes to something now because you either fear rejection, or y ou are afraid you will incur someone's wrath for saying no. This is probably n ot something you want to get involved in, dear Gemini, but you may truly feel you don't have a choice. But you do! How bad could it be if you turned this do wn for legitimate reasons? If someone turns away from you because of it, they1
[情報] 08/20 the daily horoscopeYou may feel a very definite "disconnect" between yourself and the people arou nd you - even people you know well. It's almost as if you are in your own litt le world, dear Gemini. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact, it ca n be a very inspiring thing. This is a great day to pursue creative ideas or t houghts you have about something you need to work through. Take some time for- Don't overanalyze a choice you feel inclined to make. If you do, you might sta rt to distance yourself from that feeling, and you could gravitate to another choice entirely. Would that be a good thing? Probably not. Although you do hav e a discerning mind, and you are good at analyzing situations to separate the good from the bad, right now the best thing to do might be to follow what you
- You may wish that you could take back something you said to someone recently. You may even be thinking of trying to do just that. You may want to address th at person directly and tell them that you did not mean what you said. But are you sure that's the truth, Leo? Maybe you just feel bad that the way you feel is now out there. That could actually turn out to be a good thing - a very goo