Re: [問卦] 年輕人觀念(窮就不要生小孩)

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根據統計 越窮生越多

"the birth rate in the United States was highest in families that had under
10,000 U.S. dollars in income per year, at 63.14 births per 1,000 women. As
the income scale increases, the birth rate decreases, with families making
200,000 U.S. dollars or more per year having the lowest birth rate,"


As the income scale increases, the birth rate decreases

不只在美國 世界各地都這樣

Income and high birth rates are strongly linked, not just in the United
States, but around the world.


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jab 10/07 09:10畢竟聰明的人有限

alisabonsai 10/07 09:29窮人翻身靠生小孩

alisabonsai 10/07 09:30都已經窮了,再慘有限

alisabonsai 10/07 09:30富人生太多財產會被稀釋

WomanizerNo7 10/07 09:32正常啊 真的窮人連買手機上網看毒

WomanizerNo7 10/07 09:32文的錢都沒有 哪會去想這些 那些哭

WomanizerNo7 10/07 09:32窮不想生的就是不夠窮

zaqimon 10/07 09:39生小孩M型化 窮人跟有錢人才會生

zaqimon 10/07 09:40窮人生一堆領政府補助買毒品

依照那一張統計圖表 並沒有顯示m型化 而是負相關 As the income scale increases, the birth rate decreases

pttjoe 10/07 09:42生出小孩來給有錢人當奴隸

simonwang 10/07 10:05哈哈,就是不夠窮,不夠笨的想最多…

simonwang 10/07 10:05

※ 編輯: n9n9n9n9n91 ( 紐西蘭), 10/07/2023 12:07:59