[問卦] 「我還很年輕,沒有打算結婚」の英文?

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kairiyu 06/08 17:24Tsai EE


i376ers 06/08 17:24EE:

godog 06/08 17:241.5

kutkin 06/08 17:25I am young.


twmacaron 06/08 17:25Too Young


FarkU 06/08 17:25fuck free

mit2502 06/08 17:25I am playboy.

F91 06/08 17:25I am gay

tau123 06/08 17:25Fuxk off

※ 編輯: pttbeer ( 臺灣), 06/08/2022 17:26:31

newqazwsx 06/08 17:26EE歐歐

citron1018 06/08 17:26I am young and promising

jeffrey0929 06/08 17:27Incel

willieliu 06/08 17:27The downstairs is gay

kanjiya 06/08 17:28I wanna marry with a younger girl.

deepdish 06/08 17:28google很難

dear133 06/08 17:28付費好嗎?

Nonegrame 06/08 17:29Too Old

yyek110575 06/08 17:30just play

nedetdo 06/08 17:30open up FBI!

brianuser 06/08 17:30這兩件事沒有什麼因果關係搭起來很怪

真的 阿姨我看不懂

s9531 06/08 17:31I am still young, no marriage for now.

venomsoul 06/08 17:31I am 24 and I live in America.

※ 編輯: pttbeer ( 臺灣), 06/08/2022 17:31:53

ja1295 06/08 17:31直接問滴妹 他們一定有講到這個

abcdragon 06/08 17:32I am too young to get married.

wolve 06/08 17:32無料放題

tim32142000 06/08 17:32

TtTt4 06/08 17:32Too young to marry

HayamaAkito 06/08 17:32Ask RD~~~~~~~~~

STerry1986 06/08 17:32IKEA

Gsanz 06/08 17:34I am too young to marry.

milkBK 06/08 17:34笑死 讓我想到被詐騙好幾萬的那種阿姨

steverxxx 06/08 17:34I need a rich and yong boy get ma

steverxxx 06/08 17:34rried

chaitomaster 06/08 17:34many choice

a222317168 06/08 17:34too young to marry

stayforever 06/08 17:35Too old

steverxxx 06/08 17:35understand?

p2p8ppp 06/08 17:35IM TOO YOUNG TO GET MARRIED

piolet 06/08 17:35還沒玩夠阿 怎會搭不起來

razan 06/08 17:35I Don't Know

tengerinedog 06/08 17:35I’m still young.not ready to g

tengerinedog 06/08 17:35et fxxcking married

maxwell21 06/08 17:35I hate aunty

glion 06/08 17:36She is too old to marry

ShinRuei 06/08 17:36Taiwan girl is easy

xzcb2008 06/08 17:36too young for getting married

losechen 06/08 17:37I want to be a sow for a while

littleau 06/08 17:38Costco

endlesskarma 06/08 17:38just fuck ok?

holybless 06/08 17:39up up down down left right left rig

holybless 06/08 17:39ht BA

playboy007gy 06/08 17:40Wanna be Doctor girl

endlesskarma 06/08 17:41fuck for free ok?

Vassili242 06/08 17:41wo hi nian chin, mayo dashang jah h

Vassili242 06/08 17:41ong

kevinpc 06/08 17:41I am spicy grandma

s762ok 06/08 17:41Just play!

ffaatt 06/08 17:42怎麼看都不像24歲

error56 06/08 17:43not you ^_^

doasgloria 06/08 17:44I only want to fuck you free

testttt 06/08 17:44Doctorate 1.5

jackycheny 06/08 17:45I am still young,just wanna play

Georgebuy 06/08 17:45I just want to fuck

reil 06/08 17:45我還年輕,心情還不定

kairiyu 06/08 17:46阿姨+英文+沒有打算結婚= Tsai EE沒錯啊

rhox 06/08 17:48好浪漫

AGODC 06/08 17:48Too loose

flicker36 06/08 17:50you are a good man

SMG2016 06/08 17:50I am too EE to marry

MoDerF 06/08 17:51Playboying

winston01 06/08 17:54Just for benefit lol

guaiacol 06/08 17:55oldwoman

kohanchen 06/08 17:57Too young, Too hard

monkeydog119 06/08 17:58

kis28519 06/08 17:59I like creampie


torrid 06/08 18:02I’m 伊隆罵

will1118 06/08 18:03President

yeay 06/08 18:07I still very year light, not to beat calc

yeay 06/08 18:07ulate kont faint.

linbsing 06/08 18:08無關的路人瞎起哄 叫結婚結婚 爽了吧

ccmacker 06/08 18:09no Tai Lao ler

jhbgybj123 06/08 18:10So easy

paul51110 06/08 18:18just for fun

KiwiSoda01 06/08 18:18I definitely want to marry, but not

andygreen 06/08 18:19Tai girl ez

KiwiSoda01 06/08 18:19 with you

ramirez 06/08 18:23EAsy

justlazy 06/08 18:24I want to fuck, just fuck! okay!

shinny1206 06/08 18:32wanna more sex with other.

yarnt 06/08 18:34too young to merry

lkdsa 06/08 18:34不知為何,滿多美國人大學左右就結婚,國情

lkdsa 06/08 18:34不同,像莫彩曦,莎白,有些甚至先結婚再畢業

elibra01 06/08 18:35I do not like you, ooookey?

NavyWind 06/08 18:37My hole is not baggy yet

NTHUKober 06/08 18:45Creampie only thank you

lmf770410 06/08 18:48Still want to play

Renaud 06/08 18:53滴能兒

ambrosio 06/08 18:53靠背殺小

gin10791 06/08 18:58I want play a game

ryuhuang 06/08 19:05まだ若いんです結婚する気はない!

x7834210 06/08 19:06too young to marry someone

ilovekai 06/08 19:07Fuck or not.

x7834210 06/08 19:07遊びたいだけ結婚する気はない

Sam717 06/08 19:08Suck my dick virginity pledges

nbcb 06/08 19:16just a long distance fuck buddy

JohniRunner 06/08 19:21QQ

DARKMS 06/08 19:22don't marriage be happy

Colitas 06/08 19:27I am Young, not Mary.

NotOtaku 06/08 19:33I wanna fxxk more women. Not only d m

NotOtaku 06/08 19:33ay

odoriko 06/08 19:37I can't help

z900215ro 06/08 20:12I’m expensive.

ninggo 06/08 20:19I m just play

tyantmf 06/08 20:21Fuck only

aas813913 06/08 20:35fuk off retard, I will not marry you

tengl 06/08 20:49I am EE

coolptt 06/08 21:07 u can help me young

TDKnight 06/08 21:15否放

FiveSix911 06/08 21:35i just want to fuck

ppon 06/08 21:44hot tai mei

Raphael7725 06/08 22:02Taiwan can't help

PeikangShin 06/08 22:06Showgon OK Marry eatshit

tn601374 06/08 22:31more money

haeiou 06/08 22:40fuck you

kissung 06/08 23:20i need a plane cup

bigtien6292 06/09 02:52I still young no hit count to marr

LSH001113 06/09 09:17I’m too young to marry.

hilemon 06/09 10:50She is too old

orzkk88 06/09 12:21I just want to be a 砲友