[黑特] 黃國昌自己亂寫的違憲擴權條文

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國會調查權的質詢範圍並不是無邊無際,必須基於一定之立法目的(Legislative Purpose),或行使國會在憲法上的權力(例如自律懲戒國會成員、判斷國會內部選舉結果、處理彈劾案件)。

在McGrain v. Daugherty, 273 U.S. 135 (1927)案件,美國聯邦最高法院表示:「The only legitimate object the Senate could have in ordering the investigation wasto aid it in legislating」(參議院下令進行調查的唯一合法目的是協助其立法)、「…testimony is sought with the purpose of obtaining "information necessary as abasis for such legislative and other action as the Senate may deem necessary and proper."」(尋求證詞的目的是為獲得「必要資訊,作為參議院認為必要和適當的立法和其他行動的基礎」)


另外,在Watkins v. United States, 354 U.S. 178 (1957)案件,美國聯邦最高法院表示:「…it is the duty of the investigative body, upon objection of the witness on grounds of pertinency, to state for the record the subject under inquiryat that time and the manner in which the propounded questions are pertinent thereto.」換言之,在質詢證人時,必須先讓證人清楚瞭解質詢範圍與調查主題具有關聯性。

在Sinclair v. United States, 279 U.S. 263 (1929)案件,美國聯邦最高法院審查意見:「related to the subjects covered by the Senate's resolutions that such facts reasonably could be said to be "pertinent to the question under inquiry."」(議員的質詢範圍)是否與參議院決議調查主題密切相關,是否符合2 U.S. Code ꜠192「pertinent to the question under inquiry」條文規定。



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kuninaka 05/29 11:19你拿美國幹嘛?

kuninaka 05/29 11:19我們有大送律例

kuninaka 05/29 11:19我們有大宋律例

kuninaka 05/29 11:20開封府聽過沒

wayne75512 05/29 11:21台灣是美國殖民地?

holyhelm 05/29 11:22包青天鍘人真的爽!司法A片就是讚!哪像

holyhelm 05/29 11:22小鳥根本連勃起都有困難

sd09090 05/29 11:24

brucefang 05/29 11:27當初民進黨就是因為要亂搞才找黃寫好幾

brucefang 05/29 11:27條法案,結果被國民黨檔下來

Supasizeit 05/29 12:08對啊 他如果開聽證會叫你去問早餐吃

Supasizeit 05/29 12:08什麼 當然是亂搞

antistar 05/29 13:33所以哪來的私設刑堂?

cedric1982 05/29 14:51立委取得檢察官的權力就是私設刑堂

antistar 05/29 17:20立委是能指揮警察辦案還是監聽犯人?還

antistar 05/29 17:20私設型堂咧