Re: [討論] 歐洲商會警告跨國企業不配合立院存在風險
※ 引述《ismail (晴天就該是這樣)》之銘言:
: 歐洲商會本周發表「台灣政治評論」文件,文中向外商分析台灣政局,還提到在野黨要推: 動將「藐視國會」定罪,台灣法務部憂心引來寒蟬效應,歐洲商會也引用媒體相關評論,: 直指是部「荒唐」(absurd)的法案。
: 歐洲商會也警告跨國企業領導,如果不配合立法院調查,或任何可能觸怒立法委員的行為: ,都存在風險,即使是出於善意。
: 國共一家親,專門制定會讓外商擔心提高投資風險的法規
: 國民黨藐視國會罪被歐洲商會說是荒唐的法案
: 歐洲商會警告跨國企業不配合台灣反對黨國會調查
: 還有G點逆鱗多到一觸即怒的反對黨國會議員都有風險
: 就算善意,回答太難太專業也危險,聽不懂進一步詢問程度低落的委員是反質詢也危險
: 台灣國會要變成全世界最危險的地方了嗎
Notable Legislation Yuan developments
The KMT Legislative Yuan caucus recently emphasized its plans to pass
whistleblower legislation. The process to pass whistleblower protection
legislation, for both the public and private sector, dates from 2012. KMT
legislators also proposed to criminalize “contempt of the Legislative Yuan
”, similar to the criminalization of “contempt of Congress” in the United
States. A Deputy Minister of Justice warned this would have a “chilling
effect” on the willingness of witnesses to cooperate with the Legislative
Yuan, and a commentary in Taiwan media called the proposal “absurd”.
Analysis: Multinational companies with operations in Taiwan should closely
follow the status of these two proposals. If whistle-blower protection is
extended to the private sector, companies will need to understand what these
protections are and train employees accordingly. If contempt of the
Legislative Yuan is criminalized, corporate leaders will need to understand
the risks of not cooperating with a Legislative Yuan investigation or
otherwise engaging in any behaviour, however well intentioned, that might
anger legislators.
※ 編輯: Maniacs ( 德國), 04/26/2024 18:13:3130
[轉錄] 蔣萬安FBAs a member of the Legislative Yuan, I affirm the continued exchange between e lected bodies of democratic nations. Speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan reflect s the solid US-ROC relationship that is built upon decades of continuous coope ration. Taiwan will always be a strong partner to foster democratic alliance w22
[問卦] 總統府的英文 很奇怪?各位八卦可憐肥宅 晚安 我說的是 那個 語言的英文啦 就是啊 你看五院的英文16
[轉錄] 蔣萬安:台灣永遠是美國在亞洲的堅實夥1.轉錄網址︰ ※ 網址超過一行 請縮網址 ※ 2.轉錄來源︰ ※ FB公眾人物、FB粉絲團名稱、其他來源 ※17
[情報] 酒鬼球場翻新案進度(政府補助6.14億鎂?Republicans propose $614M in public funds for Brewers' stadium upgrades Associated Press MILWAUKEE -- Republican legislators announced a bill Monday that would devote mo re than $614 million in public funding to repair and renovate the Milwaukee Brew5
[問卦] 為什麼監察院英文叫Control Yuan?如標題。 我國政府有五院,獨樹一格, 而這五院的英文也是很特別, 院之前都是用意譯, 而院這個詞卻使用音譯,- 根本白癡 這樣改幹嘛 外國人哪會知道 zhan 是站 lu 是路
[食記] 台中 元 YUAN 花草系台魂法菜 米其林餐盤餐廳名稱:元 YUAN 消費時間:2021年08月 店家地址:臺中市南屯區大墩十七街35號 店家電話:0966 667 067 營業時間:12:00~14:30(週六中午營業)/ 18:00~22:00(週日週一公休)1
[食記] 南屯/元 YUAN 花草系台魂法菜 米其林餐盤餐廳名稱:元 YUAN 消費時間:2021年08月 店家地址:臺中市南屯區大墩十七街35號 店家電話:0966 667 067 營業時間:12:00~14:30(週六中午營業)/ 18:00~22:00(週日週一公休)- Republicans propose $614M in public funds for Brewers' stadium upgrades Associated Press MILWAUKEE -- Republican legislators announced a bill Monday that would devote mo re than $614 million in public funding to repair and renovate the Milwaukee Brew
- 大家好 我國立法院長的英文是 President of the Legislative Yuan 也就是說 韓國瑜即使當不成總統 當個立法院長 一樣是president
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