[情報] 07/18 the daily horoscope
In order to move forward with a great idea, you may have to get someone on board who you are certain is not interested. You may think that even approachingthis person will be a waste of time and will result in disappointment. However, Gemini, you might have far more influence than you realize, and it can't hurt to try. If you can share your own hopes and enthusiasm for this project, your excitement can become contagious. That individual might even feel lucky to be included. Give it a try.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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- You may be having a hard time working up some enthusiasm for something you hav e to do today, Gemini. Even though you know that you are capable, you may alre ady feel defeated. It's hard to get excited about something you believe is goi ng to fail. However, your attitude can make a big difference. In the past, it has seemed like everyone was against you, and the odds were stacked against yo