Re: [討論] 歐美外國人為什麼能有真正自信?
※ 引述《JQK2 (ACE)》之銘言:
: 看西方洋人接受採訪時都能侃侃而談
: 那種自信跟亞洲人自卑轉自大不一樣
: 自在愛自己保持自我又不會有距離感
: 因成長環境、父母教育和社會氛圍?
因為他們知道他們只是在表達自己的 opinion,每個人都有自己不一樣的 opinion
表達自己的 opinion 是在 contribute 自己的視角給大家
在表達自己的 opinion 的時候會有一種貢獻自己想法的感覺,預期的是被對方以你的 words 重新想一次,理解和感受你的視角
在臺灣任何發言都必須是 established truth 或必須符合所有社會期待和輿論
否則就會被放大檢視、被社會用野蠻人的 attitude 以各種沒下限的方式攻擊和批評、被別人貼標籤、被用 biased 的思考方式錯誤解讀推導拒絕理解
但在其他國家,以批評的語氣說話代表的只是你的 inability to understand 和你的 bad manners
除非那本來就是一個 critical thinking 的場合
還有一點有趣的不同是 在其他地方,你講的話只是代表你的 opinion,別人從裡面得到什麼或怎麼想是別人的事 聽別人講的話的時候是在增加自己的視角,不論那是什麼視角,然後可能會和自己已有的 視角比較給出回饋 在臺灣,你講的話代表你認為絕對正確,沒有人能反駁,其他不同的想法通通都是錯的或 是邪惡的 聽別人講話的時候是在找別人講的話在哪個情形下是錯的,努力想為什麼自己的想法比對 方講的好,和要怎麼回應才能讓自己看起來高人一等(老人),或要怎麼回應才能讓自己 看起來更符合期待(年輕人)
※ 編輯: CoNsTaR ( 美國), 01/11/2025 16:16:55因為台灣人覺得許多事情都有是非對
同意 臺灣人好像很喜歡找一個"所有人都認同的唯一答案" 例如哪家餐廳好吃,哪種穿搭好看,哪個遊戲是糞 game,出國要怎麼玩,哪個國家領導 人如何如何,之 類的 然後所有人全部一窩蜂通通像機器人/螞蟻一樣往那個方向去 既然所有事情都已經有一個固定答案了,那採訪你要做什麼?講一個所有人早就已經知道 的答案嗎?
[爆卦] 美國智庫翻譯批評台灣論文遭台派學者出征CSIS (戰略與國際研究中心)是美國知名的智庫,2022/02他們成立「解讀:中國」 (Interpret: China)來分析中國政府文件、資料和論文5
[情報] 08/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf you wanted to get across something you were thinking and feeling, you would not attempt to convey it to them telepathically and expect that they would get it. Yet, you may be expecting someone in your world to understand something that you are now thinking and feeling simply because you think they should know you well enough to understand. But not all5
[情報] 10/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 18 2021 你知道如果告訴在你生命中的某人天空是藍色的, 他一定會跟你爭辯, 這是非常能預測的事情, 因為他們似乎總是站在對立面。4
[情報] 01/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou have very strong opinions about certain things, but you probably don't think about those opinions on a daily basis. The only time your opinion comes to the surface is when you are faced with someone who has an opposing opinion. Then you have to dig out all of your reasoning and all of the facts that support what you believe. You may soon encounter someone4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/14當你陳述你所相信的事,但別人不同意你的觀點時,可能會導致你開始質疑自己的看法。 一旦不同意的人越多,你就會對自己可能是對的這件事更不自信。 牛牛,請不要讓這件事發生,你可能會在分享自己的想法時發現一些反對的人,但這並不 代表你是錯的。這只是意味著你必須教育它們你為什麼你會這樣想,你的想法從何而來。 如果你已經想清楚了這整件事,就貫徹你所相信的事吧。4
Re: [問卦] 「我不要你覺得,我要我覺得」是三小?事實(fact)高於觀點(opinion)。 “我不要你覺得,我要我覺得” 這句話就是說,如果只是你“覺得”,那只是你個人的 “觀點”,你有你的觀點,我也可以有我的觀點,沒有高下之分。 怎麼樣才能在辯論中反駁對方的“觀點”呢?那就是拿出“事實”。 “事實”對任何人都成立,“事實”就沒有辦法用“我覺得”、“我認為”來表達了。2
[情報] 03/11 the daily horoscopeJust because someone asks for your opinion on a choice they are making does no t mean they are ready to hear the truth about what you think. Before you choos e to answer someone today, dear Gemini, try to feel the situation out first. A re they truly looking for your insight and your advice, or could they be looki ng just for validation instead? If you think they just want your endorsement o1
[情報] 12/29 the daily horoscopeYou may hear two very different versions of the same event or experience from two very different people. As a Gemini, you can probably understand this diver sity of opinion, but it may still be difficult to ascertain the pure truth fro m what you learn. Gather the information that you can, for it will be importan t to understand all sides of it, but form your own opinion from your own exper1
[情報] 06/01 the daily horoscopeSomeone may have jumped on or attacked something you said recently that was si mply an expression of your opinion. Sometimes it feels like there are people i n your world who want to silence you unless you agree with them. But your opin ion is yours to own, Gemini, and no one should be able to stop you from speaki ng out loud about it. While it may feel hurtful or even like people are bullyi- 你是不是在緊張地等待著某個來自於你認為會去批評你的人的指教,其中還可能包含著酸言酸語?當你正在執行某項重要任務,而那個人或許有著崇高的地位,又或許至少是上位者的心腹。也可能只是你覺得他的意見就是很重要。以上都沒有關係。如果你正在為他們的評估擔驚受怕,阿牛,好好想想最壞的可能。就算他們說的是事實,還是可以從中去改過和學習的呀!不要太擔心! Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jun 3 You may be anticipating criticism - some of it harsh, perhaps - from someone you believe is judging you. Maybe you are working on something important, and that individual has some role of authority, or at least the ear of someone who does. Or maybe this is just someone you think highly of whose opinion you value. It doesn't matter. If you are dreading their assessment, Taurus, take a moment to think about the worst things they could say. Assuming they are accurate, none of those things will be anything you can't modify or learn from. Don't stress over this! --
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