[問卦] 「不能只有我看到」怎麼翻譯比較到位?

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s820912gmail 09/10 15:46有的人喜歡啊

wc4eva 09/10 15:46惡魔旅館

pttnowash 09/10 15:46No can only I see

dbjdx 09/10 15:46everybody go to die together

kent 09/10 15:47bunengzhiyouwokandao

jma306 09/10 15:47

earnformoney 09/10 15:48I see, and you see.我死完換你死

aizuwakamazu 09/10 15:48I want you can see that, Really..

Julian9x9x9 09/10 15:50I can't be only one who watchs thi

ihl123456 09/10 15:50no cant only me see

Julian9x9x9 09/10 15:50s

oldsam 09/10 15:50you ask me, i ask who?

NotUniqueSol 09/10 15:50We should be all raped.

polo125809 09/10 15:53not only my

erilinda 09/10 15:56You need to see this!

erilinda 09/10 15:57I can't be the only one who knew t

erilinda 09/10 15:57his= =

x7834210 09/10 15:57俺だけ見ではなりません

m122e 09/10 15:57u jump, I jump !

afu4869 09/10 15:58Everyone needs to suffer with this!!!

thbw666 09/10 15:59Do not leave me alone

dick929 09/10 15:59everybody go to die

l2l 09/10 15:59I can't see it anymore

dick929 09/10 16:00want die together die

TomChu 09/10 16:01ikea

ctwt 09/10 16:02not only me but others see

peiring 09/10 16:04don’t only me to see

starwillow 09/10 16:05everyone go to hell

ianlin1216 09/10 16:07feel the pain!

asd1 09/10 16:09I can't be the only one seeing this.

q9154336 09/10 16:11everyone should

ginsengwolf 09/10 16:11let me see see!

meowchen 09/10 16:11nothing but let you know

abcyting 09/10 16:12I’m not gonna be the only victim

icome 09/10 16:12Die together

mucorn 09/10 16:13阿拉花瓜

TOCIBS 09/10 16:14ICUC

PeikangShin 09/10 16:20Oh, fucking bitch!

purue 09/10 16:23Can't just me die.

MoDerF 09/10 16:28

sse1 09/10 16:29damm, enjoy everybody

moai513 09/10 16:34how do you turn this on

allanbrook 09/10 16:37Bu Nun Chi Yo Wo Kan Dau

Avicenna 09/10 16:46I shall not be the only one who see i

Avicenna 09/10 16:46t.

wannafeel 09/10 16:59在那叫什麼

a7708101 09/10 17:02I won't be the only one to see this

FrienDx 09/10 17:03ikea

kohanchen 09/10 17:10Share the eyesore

m4su6747 09/10 17:48eat this

shadowlupin 09/10 18:14costco

coloryen 09/10 19:07die together

leeoon 09/10 19:11There's no way that I'm the only

leeoon 09/10 19:11one who saw i

leeoon 09/10 19:11t!

holybless 09/10 19:39I wanna share a guy

dangurer 09/10 19:43Not Only I shall be seeing this.

aurorahuangh 09/10 20:06If I can’t unseen this, u can’

aurorahuangh 09/10 20:06t either.

uni1 09/10 21:26It's too good for me to see alone.

clovergirl 09/10 21:28see together

JJJZZs 09/11 01:42Share with bros.