Re: [花邊] 知名訓練師開噴嫌棄大三分時代論述

看板NBA標題Re: [花邊] 知名訓練師開噴嫌棄大三分時代論述作者
(Love & Peace)
時間推噓29 推:30 噓:1 →:41

國際賽要短期調整過來 (要大量三分出手),可能也會不適應。

阿銀除了比賽風格外,也有談到其他議題 (NBA杯、收視率...等),
用Google機器翻譯,比賽風格的部分如下,大致上聯盟有在關切 (認為非三分線問題)。

Adam Silver looking into critiques of increased 3-point volume

LAS VEGAS -- With the Boston Celtics on pace to shatter the NBA's record for
3-pointers attempted by a team, and with 3s being up across the league this
season, NBA commissioner Adam Silver said Tuesday night the league is
studying the trend.
[隨著波士頓塞爾提克隊有望打破NBA 球隊三分球命中數記錄,並且本賽季三分球
命中數在全聯盟中領先,NBA 總裁阿銀週二晚間表示,聯盟正在研究這一趨勢。]

He also said criticisms of offenses becoming "cookie cutter" and that teams
are copying each other is something he thinks the league s
hould take seriously.

"The answer is yes, [we are having] many discussions about the style of
basketball [being played]," Silver told a small group of reporters Tuesday
night before the championship game of the league's second-annual NBA Cup
between the Oklahoma City Thunder and Milwaukee Bucks.
拉荷馬雷霆隊與密爾瓦基公鹿隊之間的聯盟第二屆NBA 杯冠軍賽前對一小群記者說道。]

"I would not reduce it to a so-called 3-point shooting issue.

I think we look more holistically at the skill level on the floor, the
diversity of offense, the fan reception to the game, all of the above.

"I think the game is in a great place.

I love watching the games, and I think we have some of the most skilled
athletes in the world competing -- and it's unfair, I think, to the players
to lump them into categories as 3-point shooters or a midrange shooter or bigman playing under the basket.

It's an amazing game."

"Having said that," he continued, "we're constantly having discussions about
whether there are ways to improve stylistically the game on the floor."

The Celtics are averaging 51.1 attempted 3s per game, which easily would
shatter the record for treys attempted in a season.

Teams across the league are shooting more than ever due to the math of
shooting more 3s, as opposed to midrange 2-point jumpers, bending the sport
in that direction.

But Silver made it clear any attempt to change things on the fly, such as
moving the 3-point line, is not likely to happen soon.

He went through some of the complications with making that kind of decision
as well as some of the things the league has done to try to address the
notion of too many teams playing the same way.

"Historically, at times, we've moved the 3-point line," Silver said.

"I don't think that's a solution here because then, I think when we look at
both the game and the data, I think that may not necessarily do more midrangejumpers, if that's what people want, but more clogging under the basket.

"Whether there's some tweaks we should make, and my sense is I do think we
should take seriously this notion of more diversity in offense.

I watch as many games as all of you do, and to the extent that it's not so
much a 3-point issue, but that some of the audience, some of the offenses
start to look sort of cookie cutter and teams are copying each other.

I think that's something we should pay attention to."


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kimigogo 12/22 20:37MLB要不是大谷祥平也是很悶啊

bm1041644 12/22 20:46不是三分的問題 然後講青賽一直投三分

emptie 12/22 20:47啊複製會贏的策略有啥不對

love1500274 12/22 20:49[新聞] Silver不擔心收視率 有討論比賽球風議題

richard1003 12/22 20:49觀眾是想看球星不合理進球,不是看大家頭投理三分

Weasley40 12/22 20:53下次引用不要全部引 滑不完


richard1003 12/22 20:54投合理三分

AudiA4Avant 12/22 21:04改成打板才有三分

※ 編輯: p633 ( 臺灣), 12/22/2024 21:08:43

a1223356 12/22 21:22其實只是內線被壓縮太慘的緣故,讓內線中鋒回到『

a1223356 12/22 21:22應有』的地位,讓中鋒內線地位提升,不再用規則綁

a1223356 12/22 21:22住內線球員,球只有一顆,自然就會減少三分產量。

alex0936 12/22 21:28這議題到底要幾篇 不就是電視沒落加上現代娛樂太多

alex0936 12/22 21:28造成的收視率下滑嗎

alex0936 12/22 21:29跟三分一點關係都沒有吧 真的讓中鋒去內線龜著也不

alex0936 12/22 21:29會比較好

sony0223098 12/22 21:32mlb做了很多改變功勞直接歸給大谷 不太公平

eineFrage 12/22 21:33變準也是問題之一啦,少了籃板球的肉搏爭搶,變得更

eineFrage 12/22 21:33單調,

gogorice 12/22 21:33超級盃收視創紀錄怎麼說?

gogorice 12/22 21:34四大職業運動成長最快的收視率卻跌的最凶

ship1228 12/22 21:34三分狂熱,一堆角色球員變3D,蹲底角靠賽的

f73718 12/22 21:34現代nba沒什麼對抗性,你射完換我射,就跟全明星賽

f73718 12/22 21:34一樣,兩邊跑龍套看了陽痿

Y1999 12/22 21:37每個人都上升就你下滑,還是只有你有網路轉播?

Qaaaa 12/22 21:42對 nba其實早不能只用體育來看待 更大比例是一場秀

Qaaaa 12/22 21:43所以一堆鄉民說追求魔球合理其實是不合理的 因為沒

Qaaaa 12/22 21:43法秀 就不是nba了

Lewisssss 12/22 21:43反正Hoop Report的影片說得很清楚了 三分只是其中

Lewisssss 12/22 21:43一個原因 一個商業聯盟去娛樂化搞得像運動會

kanoeuma 12/22 21:44現在戰術都超級複雜,有球無球都有,就為創造零點

kanoeuma 12/22 21:44幾秒的空檔來出手,只有戰術完全跑不出才會讓球星

kanoeuma 12/22 21:44單打掉。 為追求贏球而打得合理是沒錯,但直觀上就

kanoeuma 12/22 21:45沒有以前球星對決那樣有戲劇性

kanoeuma 12/22 21:46火箭幫主時期一分一分拿都很合理勝率也高,但我當

kanoeuma 12/22 21:46時完全不會想看火箭的例行賽直播

a12349743 12/22 21:47三分迷:覺得難看的都是看不懂戰術的業餘仔

yoyonigo 12/22 21:49戰術迷:不懂就別看 (

kimigogo 12/22 21:49周星馳的電影都教過怎麼增加收視率了

SCLPAL 12/22 21:53百戰百勝要來了嗎

joy462110 12/22 22:08為何不先處理裁判跟判罰尺度

SSS120329 12/22 22:54加個額度好了 團隊命中10-15顆以上 之後就只算兩分

ooplus 12/22 22:56有些人就不懂娛樂產業商業聯盟真正主導的是收視啊

ooplus 12/22 22:56大三分就大進攻時代的產物 引進大進攻讓nba進入高

ooplus 12/22 22:58原期 現在觀眾慢慢開始倦怠正常

Gxxboator 12/22 23:24現在要覺得球賽好看,就要在每次進球時腦袋馬上倒帶

Gxxboator 12/22 23:25剛剛發生了什麼事,才可以領略到這個運動樂趣在哪的

Gxxboator 12/22 23:26醍醐味,確實會讓收視率下降。

alittleghost12/22 23:38底角3分先取消,3分直接少一半

ooplus 12/22 23:46把規則跟尺度更往fiba看看會不會有改善

ooplus 12/22 23:49有人老是以為肉搏沒人看 其實一定程度的肉搏能帶來

ooplus 12/22 23:49的刺激感跟對抗程度搞不好就是現在可以刺激關注度

ooplus 12/22 23:49的東西

chy19890517 12/23 00:00如果要變成一場秀的話,乾脆強化花式上籃的得分好了

chy19890517 12/23 00:00:大車輪3分、360度大車輪4分……這樣快攻大家都會

chy19890517 12/23 00:00搞噱頭也不錯==

gn0028526 12/23 00:46啊所以他也知道大家都在投三分觀賞度會降嗎

gn0028526 12/23 00:47太早放棄了吧 還有這麼多三分迷可以培養 不用怕啊

rony98 12/23 01:29取消防守三秒不知道行不行 防守方內線能禁區站爽爽

rony98 12/23 01:30某種程度上側翼防守對方射手和後衛就能更貼近

JRSmith 12/23 01:36"看懂戰術就覺得好看"這觀點真的很逗

JRSmith 12/23 01:37NBA是娛樂業 以為觀眾是來上課學習的

driftcreator12/23 04:28取消防守三秒,會降低整體切入進攻的比重,變更難看

askaa 12/23 06:29真的很難看 我寧願去看mlb

serval623 12/23 07:49灌籃算三分啊

ooplus 12/23 09:01為什麼要給切入型的優惠XD 切入堵起來你只能投三分

ooplus 12/23 09:01投不進就會出現其他攻擊方式了啊

mokumoku 12/23 09:13就算96公牛來到現代 我看個幾球也是跑去刷短影音

mokumoku 12/23 09:13現代人尤其年輕人除了季後賽二輪誰跟你看好看滿

mokumoku 12/23 09:14手機看一下就開始手遊或是看其他妹子直播了

mokumoku 12/23 09:15就算你換回什麼90年代handcheck跟禁區磨屁股

mokumoku 12/23 09:15就是死的更難看而已

zxcasdzsd 12/23 13:44以前角色球員卡籃下撿子彈更難看