[情報] Spotify 財報

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1. 標題:Spotify Reports Jump in Listeners, Ad Revenue -- WSJ
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Spotify Technology SA added more users and saw a surge in advertising revenuein its recently completed quarter as its podcast strategy takes hold despite
backlash to its star host.

Spotify Technology SA在最近結束的季度增加了更多用户,廣告收入激增,儘管其明星主持人遭到強烈反對,但其播客戰略站穩了腳跟。

Neil Young last week removed his music from Spotify in protest to what he
says is vaccine misinformation spread by podcaster Joe Rogan on the streamingservice. The company has since made public its content policy and said it
would begin to tag Covid-19-related content with an advisory prompting users
to check out the service's new hub for data-driven facts and up-to-date
information from the health and scientific communities.

尼爾·楊(Neil Young)上週從Spotify下架了他的音樂,以抗議他所説的播客喬·羅根
(Joe Rogan)在Spotify上傳播的疫苗錯誤信息。自那以後,該公司已公開了其內容政策,並表示將開始為新冠肺炎相關內容貼上一條建議,促使用户查看該服務的新中心,以獲取由數據驅動的事實以及來自健康和科學界的最新信息。

For the fourth quarter, Spotify reported 406 million monthly active users, up18% from a year earlier and at the high end of the company's guidance. Payingsubscribers, its most lucrative type of customer, rose 16% to 180 million,
also at the top of the company's expectations.


Average revenue per user for the subscription business in the quarter climbed3% to EUR4.40. The increase marks the second quarter of a turnaround for the
metric, which had been pressured downward for years as the company attracted
new subscribers through discounted plans and lower prices in newer markets. Alittle over a year ago, Spotify began raising the price of its family plan indozens of markets, including the U.S., which has helped increase revenue on aper-user basis.


Revenue from subscriptions climbed 22% to EUR2.295 billion, equivalent to
roughly $2.6 billion. Advertising revenue shot up 40% to EUR394 million.
Advertising, which typically has accounted for around 10% of overall revenue,has become a particular growth area as Spotify expands its podcast business.
During the quarter, advertising made up about 15% of total revenue.


Spotify said it has 3.6 million podcasts available on its service, up from
3.2 million in the previous quarter.


Mr. Young's protest against Spotify has attracted other musicians, including
David Crosby and Stephen Stills on Wednesday. The actions come as Mr. Rogan
has apologized and pledged to be more balanced and informed about
controversial topics and guests.

楊致遠對Spotify的抗議吸引了其他音樂人,包括週三的大衞·克羅斯比(David Crosby)
和斯蒂芬·斯蒂爾斯(Stephen Stills)。在採取這些行動之際,羅根已經道歉,並承諾對有爭議的話題和嘉賓採取更平衡、更知情的態度。

Mr. Rogan has used his popular Spotify show to discuss Covid-19 vaccines and
restrictions, speaking against vaccine mandates for indoor events and
suggesting that young, healthy people shouldn't be vaccinated.


In all for the quarter ended Dec. 31, revenue rose 24% to EUR2.69 billion,
above the company's expectations.


Spotify reported a narrower loss of EUR39 million from a loss of EUR125
million a year earlier. Per share, the company posted a loss of 21 European
cents, compared with a year-earlier loss of 66 European cents. While the
company has periodically reported a quarterly profit, executives have said itwould continue to give priority to growth -- attracting new subscribers and
investing in podcasting.


Free cash flow, a measure of the cash a company generates from operations,
and viewed by many investors as a proxy for performance, was EUR103 million,
up from EUR74 million a year earlier and EUR99 million in the previous


For the current first quarter, the company said it expects monthly active
users of 418 million, premium subscribers of 183 million and revenue of
EUR2.6 billion. The numbers are roughly in line with analysts' average
expectations on FactSet.


其實財報挺不錯的 但可能市場一片悲觀就帶崩了

隔壁的FB你卻說廣告商縮手沒人投? 這是誰的問題R?


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WenliYang 02/04 03:40總之是人的問題XD

iamten 02/04 03:41FED多印一倍錢 去年營收沒+100%都是退步

就我看來 這只是重新走去年二月的走勢而已

TS28 02/04 03:43因為SPOT要的資料很單純較好埋點 FB廣告五花八門

FB還有個都市傳說:竊聽用戶平日對話 並推出相關廣告 我自己是沒遇到 但同事都這麼說..

※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 02/04/2022 03:45:26

PaganTsai 02/04 03:46Spotify HiFi到底何時要推出?!

IPena 02/04 04:14一起下去吧

moboo 02/04 04:22雖然是廣告有增長,但這樣是能賺多少?

dalyadam 02/04 04:22竊聽對話的都市傳說我以為是說google

seemoon2000 02/04 04:27賺廣告財的 會去聯想到NFLX META疫情只是兌現未來

seemoon2000 02/04 04:28但實際不會訂閱的人可能疫情後更難拉到也是要考量

iamten 02/04 04:32總經很重要 高油價才是未來最危險因素

iamten 02/04 04:33當企業成本激增 廣告投放一定下降

iamten 02/04 04:33沒看yt有超過一半是詐騙廣告嗎

iamten 02/04 04:34正常企業的廣告投放量早就掉超多的

其實我yt去廣告了還真不知道現在投放了些甚麼 但可以想想正常企業什麼情況下需要投放廣告. 如果沒事就賺爛了,推出新品大家都會自己去追,那就不需要投廣告了.

tbrs 02/04 05:02股癌

donkilu 02/04 07:10最近就是Joe Rogan的爭議吵很大吧

bobjohns 02/04 07:33現在是熊市走勢,財報爆好頂多不跌 看看微軟 蘋果

bobjohns 02/04 07:33 特斯拉 Google zim ,財報稍差直接跌20% fb Netfli

bobjohns 02/04 07:33x ,中小型科技股跌20%算少的了一堆跌50~60%比比皆是

lika32 02/04 09:53免費用戶為了聽音樂就要看廣告~

AirLee 02/04 09:55fb那個傳說是事實阿 我們公司同事驗證過了

metallolly 02/04 11:35fb那個傳說我是真的相信XD 我們只是聊天裝潢 然後我

metallolly 02/04 11:35們fb立刻建議裝潢相關網站…

cs123 02/04 11:37FB傳說,我跟朋友實驗也感覺有

這麼多實驗 XDDD

guowei616 02/04 11:48笑死人 你們在聊之前就搜尋過相關資料了啦

其實我也是這麼想的 然後有次午餐訂餐 同事才討論品項 就有人說FB跳餐廳廣告 但我總覺得這是依據時間去投放的吧XD

※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 02/04/2022 11:59:29

karldrean 02/04 12:54Fb 我遇過和朋友聊到他家裡烤麵包機的性能,但都用

karldrean 02/04 12:54語都是:這台性能如何、烤得均不均勻,沒提到是烤箱

karldrean 02/04 12:54還是烤麵包機,也沒提到麵包。晚上FB就推我購物網的

karldrean 02/04 12:54烤麵包機了。

fly5566 02/04 14:30fb傳說是真的 不信的可以試試看

HOUSEEYE 02/04 15:56那個就不叫傳說了阿,我看個內褲就一堆內褲廣告

HOUSEEYE 02/04 15:56我看個飾品也一堆飾品廣告

gogoto990 02/04 16:31那個不是傳說了吧….

xyzc123 02/04 23:00無損音質到底哪時候要出 = =

qwre9854 02/05 01:35音質真的很差,早就不用了