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[心得] Deanston 餐桌上的麥田計畫初體驗其實這一兩年不同酒廠都開始辦起餐酒會,當中 Deanston 我觀望滿久了,想說怎麼就只 有這個品牌都是辦餐酒會,都沒辦很單純的品酒會這樣,加上過去自己在威士忌搭餐的經 驗中都覺得沒有很搭,導致對於這類品酒會真的是興趣缺缺,而這次的餐酒會主要是因為2
[心得] Whisky AGE No.0015 Foursquare 15Yo[品酒文] Whisky AGE No.0015 Foursquare 15Yo Distilled:2006/11 Bottled:2022/08- [品酒文] Ledaig Bordeaux Red Wine Cask Matured 9Yo 56.8% 品飲日期:2023/02/16 18:57 品飲次數:1
- The Whisky Blues Bunnahabhain Staoisha 8Yo Distilled:2013/10 Bottled:2022/07 Cask Type:1st Fill Barrel
- [品酒文] Whisky Age Craigellachie 13Yo Distilled:2009/05 Bottled:2022/07
- [品酒文] Whisky AGE Williamson 11Yo Distilled:2011/09 Bottled:2022/10
- [品酒文] The Whisky Blues Ben Nevis 26Yo Distilled:1996/07 Bottled:2022/07
- [品酒文] Whisky Age Braeval 26Yo Distilled:1996/05 Bottled:2022/08
[心得] 巧克力與威士忌、蘭姆酒及咖啡的搭配《品飲以外的嘗試》 最近跟朋友團購到MAROU巧克力兩款口味,想說就拿不同調性的威士忌與蘭姆酒及手沖咖 啡來試試看搭配起來的感覺! 從左至右:- [品酒文] The Whisky Blues X 威佬 Pure Single Jamaican Rum JMLR 21Yo Distilled:2000/09 Bottled:2022/03
[心得] Whisky Age Linkwood 13YoWhisky Age No.0010 Linkwood Distilled:2008 Bottled:2022 Cask Type:Hogshead2
[心得] The Whisky Blues Highland Park 10YoThe Whisky Blues X 威浪 Highland Park 10Yo Distilled:2011/06 Bottled:2022/03 Cask Type:Hogshead2
[心得] Whisky Age Secret Speyside 25YoWhisky Age Secret Speyside 25Yo Distilled:1997/01 Bottled:2022/04 Cask Type:Barrel1
[問題] 個人信貸1. 欲貸金額:60-70萬 2. 還款期限:4年內 3. 貸款用途:開麵店 4. 職業:餐廳吧檯 5. 年收入:約36萬