[情報] 02/25 the daily horoscope
An irritating, aggravating, and perhaps sad experience is coming to an end. You know that something much better lies ahead on your horizon, dear Gemini. Yet you can't seem to let go of what was and focus on what is yet to be - or even the present moment. You are clinging to anger, sadness, or feelings of vindictiveness, but all of that will only work against you, not for you in any way.Do something symbolic to say goodbye to that experience and start to welcome the wonder that is to come.
然而,你似乎無法放手過去的事情,專注於尚未發生的事情 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoYou may be thinking that an answer or approval that you are waiting for will b ring you the peace of mind you are now craving. You may believe that everythin g will hang in the balance until then. That, Gemini, is the equivalent of givi ng your power away. By relying on someone else or on an answer you can't contr ol for your own peace of mind, you are abdicating your own responsibility for2
首PoTo play poker successfully, a player must have a good command of math - and pr obabilities in particular - and must be able to think quickly. But it is equal ly important that a player has the ability to put on a good play or a good pok er face so that no one can recognize either their disdain or their delight in the cards they are holding. You are very astute and you think quickly, Gemini,1
首PoIf you choose to turn down an opportunity today or soon, don't turn it down be cause of fear. If you truly don't feel like it is for you, or it isn't conveni ent, or you have something better to do at the same time, then say no with com plete confidence and satisfaction, dear Gemini. But if there is some feeling t hat you won't measure up, or you won't be liked, or you'll look foolish to som
[情報] 05/19 the daily horoscopeParting is such sweet sorrow. When Juliet spoke those words to Romeo, she was acknowledging the sadness of going in separate directions, but she was also re cognizing that there was a sweetness to it as well. The parting would not have been sad if the sweetness did not exist. You are coming to an end of a chapte r, Gemini. Parting from this period may be sad for you on some level, but it i3
[情報] 03/31 the daily horoscopeYou are faced with an important choice now, dear Gemini. You can immerse yours elf in guilt and regret and ponder the question "what if," wondering what you should have or could have done differently. Or you can take whatever good ther e is in your situation, and move forward with just that. The latter is obvious ly the better option, and it's what you are encouraged to do now. Do not punis2
[情報] 08/27 the daily horoscopeAnger. Hostility. Regret. Guilt. Sadness. None of these are desirable feelings , Gemini. Even so, you may have been coddling one or more of these emotions an d it's getting to you. You may not believe that you have any other choice, but you certainly do. By indulging in damaging emotions, you are carving a certai n path for yourself. The thoughts you nurture and the words you express are ca2
[情報] 03/06 the daily horoscopeSometimes "perfect" moments start out because of imperfect ones. Sometimes an awkward experience, such as saying something uncomfortable that has to be said , sets the tone for something good to happen. You may feel that something is g oing all wrong in some area of your life, dear Gemini. Even though you have tr ied to do everything right, you are dealing with problems. But maybe this is j2
[情報] 10/23 the daily horoscopeA very positive change in your circumstances is taking place "behind the scene s" right now, Gemini. But since you cannot see what's happening in your favor, you may be thinking the worst or lingering in regret, disappointment, and sad ness. And although these positive changes will happen no matter what, you can clear the path for them by welcoming them with optimistic expectations. Welcom2
[情報] 11/13 the daily horoscopeYou may be getting really frustrated with a project that is not going well. Yo u may even be questioning your decision to take this on, dear Gemini. But sinc e you probably can't back out at this point, you will have to make the best of it. And if you do, you should find that things will begin to get incrementall y easier, happier, and perhaps even enjoyable. This is likely to turn out quit1
[情報] 10/01 the daily horoscopeYou may be trying to avoid thinking about something that has been bothering yo u. This may be connected to an event or experience that left you with some reg rets, dear Gemini. It is easier to pretend it never happened. But if you do th at, you won't have the benefit of some insight that would be possible with som e introspection and review of what you went through - even if it was upsetting1
[情報] 12/06 the daily horoscopeYou may think that you have forgiven someone for something they did or said th at hurt you deeply. You do understand that forgiveness is for the forgiver, no t for the one who should be forgiven. However, it's only theoretical until you put it into practice, dear Gemini. Although you believe you have gone beyond a painful experience, each time you encounter or perhaps even think about the1
[情報] 10/09 the daily horoscopeWe often think of "life lessons" as the bad experiences that we need to learn and evolve from. As they happen, we wish they were over, and we look back at t hose mistakes and difficult moments and cringe. But not all life lessons are b ad, dear Gemini. Sometimes they are quite enjoyable and uplifting. Something y ou will soon experience that feels pleasant and carefree will also offer you a1
[情報] 11/16 the daily horoscopeA difficult moment or happening from the past, whether recent or distant, seem s to be defining you on some level, dear Gemini. Have you noticed that? Have y ou noticed that so much of what you think and do comes back to that experience , probably because you don't know how to resolve it? But it is not your respon sibility to resolve it. What's more, you might not even be able to if you try.