[閒聊] 劍君十二恨的英文該怎麼翻?

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(Elite Miko Miko)
時間推噓52 推:53 噓:1 →:21

Jianjun of Twelve Hates





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gcobc1263212/19 00:16mess world crazy blade

uranus01312/19 00:17Luanshi the mad blade

kawhidurantt12/19 00:17君就純音譯翻譯哦?沒其他翻法嗎

kent0021612/19 00:18The man of sword with twelve hatred


olalo12/19 00:19君的英文蠻難翻的,看一看好像 don 比較合適...

laugh856212/19 00:20The 12 things bothering sword saint.

Muilie12/19 00:20the man who aiming like shit

carkyoing12/19 00:20Sword master hates everything

Roystu12/19 00:21Sword Lord 12 Hate

ujmrfv12/19 00:21Sword hater 12

Soulimana12/19 00:21我對亂世狂刀怎麼翻比較有興趣

tmwolf12/19 00:21有時候不要勉強翻意思比較好 鳴人也沒被翻成cry man

swad292pn12/19 00:22Twelve hatred of sir sword

ujmrfv12/19 00:22Fucking the word with my fucking blade

defenser12/19 00:23亂世狂刀:Murong Chan Ah!

Muilie12/19 00:23Chaos world madness blade

gremon13112/19 00:23直接音譯直翻好了 老外也不知道那是什麼意思

reccalin12/19 00:24Saber the hater 12

SALEENS7LM12/19 00:24Man Playing Sword Art Online

brightwish12/19 00:26覺得翻得很OK了 英文書名都這種風格

pgame312/19 00:29Lord阿

arcanite12/19 00:35我覺得劍君翻 Sr. Sword with 12 hatred比較好

sustto12/19 00:35kenshi of twelve hates

arcanite12/19 00:35因為熟的人都叫他劍君

paul195112/19 00:35YA Sho Tie

sustto12/19 00:36亂世狂刀=C8763 摸豆嗨壓哭

bloodruru12/19 00:36這名子很搭詩號阿 這樣翻沒問題

Julian9x9x912/19 00:38the sword man who hates 12 things

sunshinecan12/19 00:39不是真的姓劍名君吧? 覺得稱號用意譯比較好

arcanite12/19 00:43英翻不能翻到連自報名號都很尬

arcanite12/19 00:44亂世狂刀是真的不好翻 簡稱狂刀還翻得出來

noreg039393312/19 00:44直接換個英文名字比較簡單,像是Saber 。

samvii12/19 00:47Chaos Mad Blade

swad292pn12/19 00:50Chaos blade

medama12/19 00:53錯了吧 這是十二恨的建軍

tym748212/19 00:54JIAN JUN,SHI-ER-HEN

randykaku12/19 00:57crazy guy with sword who hates everything

king4568212/19 01:04Sr. Sword of dodeca-hatred

RamenOwl12/19 01:06君就不用翻了吧 直接叫劍就好

jayppt12/19 01:07Jianjun hate summer night has mosquito

s787894512/19 01:23狂刀已經改叫霸刀,father blade(x

ark778412/19 01:31Frantic Blade The World Breaker

Mareeta12/19 01:50叫十二把怨恨的劍也行吧雖然劍都斷光了

speed702212/19 01:51所有格's 用下去就好了怎麼弄的那麼複雜

dong8012/19 01:53Sword Lord the 12 Hates

ymsc3010212/19 02:08Mr. Sword with 12 hates

diablohinet12/19 02:09Jian Jun Sher Hen

kusocomtw12/19 02:12lord of hatred(錯棚

shyfox12/19 02:39I am the bone of 12 swords...

RandyAAA12/19 02:40直接叫劍大概又會跟其他用劍大師的名字撞吧

nyc76111812/19 03:02西狂 west mad

LIONDOGs12/19 03:04The sword may cry 12

diablohinet12/19 03:21Sword Man Resent Twelve Times

diablohinet12/19 03:22Man take sword there are twelve things to hate

P212/19 04:11diss 12

kohanchen12/19 04:5712 remorse of a Swordsman

CYL00912/19 06:35Sword man of twelve resentments

CYL00912/19 06:38有12個怨恨的用劍者

ZhiXian12/19 06:49Ken Kun of Twelve Hates

Nyarlathotep12/19 07:09Sword of twelve hatred

StBeer12/19 07:25Sword master with 12 regrets

fw190a12/19 07:30The sword lord with twelve regrets

ayakiax12/19 07:42之前看是The Twelve Resentments of the Sword Emperor

wtfconk12/19 07:52Swordman

holyhelm12/19 07:55如果要音譯 應該要用台語拼音才對

rronbang12/19 07:59努爾哈赤那個不知道怎麼翻譯

guolong12/19 08:21C8123

jeffbear7912/19 08:42問就是IKEA

TDC1968512/19 08:56Sword "The Hate" XII

feijai12/19 09:06他的招數是真的有12式 翻這樣還行

npc77612/19 09:41in the first hate of swordking sent to me x12

oo2830oo12/19 10:03君翻成大師Master就好了吧

perper2112/19 22:25前面用音譯不差啊,雖然喪失那部分的達意,但看起來才

perper2112/19 22:25會像人名